The answer is yes, but there's some caveats here.
As I noted on MSE
It's clear that motivated users with that privilege will continue to delete/undelete ad nauseum, and it actually diminishes the delete privilege because people who disagree will get more votes tomorrow to change it back the way they see fit. Add in Meta effect and it can prevent community consensus, leaving mods to fix it with nuclear weapons.
The nuclear weapons are... well... nuclear
Here's Gru to describe why locking is nuclear
Locks prevent all interaction with a post, including up/down votes, comments, edits, etc. When there's a content dispute, a simple timed lock can help. But, in this case, it's not very effective because motivated users just outwait the lock. A permanent lock isn't a good idea, either.
Diamond Deletion
If a diamond (moderator or SE employee with a diamond) deletes something, only another diamond can undelete. So no more delete wars, but it's deleted.
Like locks, we can suspend you, which prevents you from deleting or closing things. But... that's not something we just do off-the-cuff. Most deletion is benign and content disputes aren't something mods prefer to resolve. I mean, which side is right? We have tools to make sure a post is gone mostly for good, but not tools to make sure others don't remove it other than removing their ability to interact with the site.
So... flag it?
Per the question
So I'm just curious whether moderators are automatically informed of such actions.
There's no autoflag for delete wars like there is for things like contested duplicate closure. So if you don't say anything (via flag or Meta), there's no easy way for us to find out.
Also, should there be some mechanism to limit the number of deletion/undeletion votes that one could cast on a certain post to, say, 1/2? It shouldn't be necessary for one to cast more than 2 delete/undelete votes on a post, because if that happens it probably means a battle is going on.
I have asked for that very thing