I personally think the people who want to delete duplicates usually aren't the ones who are qualified to make that judgment, since they probably often no longer have any vested interest in utilizing the information from the seemingly over-asked question and its answers, and they may ignore important distinctions. I'm not saying all users who want to delete questions overlook or ignore possibilities, but I've seen it happen on StackExchange enough to know that it would be a frustrating problem if it were expressly the rule that duplicates should be deleted routinely (it would be a problem whether or not they accrue high numbers). I've personally found a plethora of useful duplicates with information not found in the original question or its answers (in fact, it's pretty hard to find one where that isn't the case, sometimes). The answers to one duplicate can be incompatible with the original question, often. Very specific, often overlooked, details in a question can be very helpful, and make for different kinds of answers. Some duplicates shouldn't even be marked as duplicates, let alone deleted.
As to the specific instance you're considering (I don't know what it was since it was removed—archival history is important, IMO), it may well be an exception to what I've talked about above. It sounds like maybe all the duplicates aren't marked as duplicates where they should be, if you have to search to find them. Marking them as duplicates should be rather helpful, consolidating them.
One problem with deleting new duplicates is that they're new. If you're going to delete one, delete an old one that no one cares about anymore from a low rep user who hasn't been active in years (although I personally don't recommend deleting duplicates). Newer stuff is better for SEO, since people like the latest stuff. Also, search engines usually direct me to the newest duplicate (not the original, which can be tough to find in a search sometimes, sometimes even if you cater your search to that specific version).
Deleting a new question is going to cause a lot of issues (e.g. arguments, hurt feelings, defection from the site, less new content, more walking on eggshells, strife, stress, worry, and so forth), whereas deleting an old question (which has already had ample opportunity to prove itself) such as I mentioned is probably going to go entirely unnoticed in most cases. If people protest, delete a different one instead, if there are so many (that is, if SO comes to the consensus that deleting some duplicates is a good thing). But again, I don't advocate deleting duplicates, and I disagree with it in most cases. I'm just thinking of possible compromises that sound more acceptable.
Anyway, if all true duplicates are marked as duplicates, it doesn't matter too much if they're never deleted. If they become a problem, somehow, SO could just pragmatically handle them in a desired fashion (like make them not show up in search results from the searchbar, so they don't get in the way, etc.)
and raise with Why are these constructs (using ++) undefined behavior?...