Let's be honest, this site is challenging for a new user to work with. Our new users are struggling. But why are they struggling? Many our new users are more than technically capable of answering programming questions, but they aren't doing it. Why?
I think the main reason is that we are forcing a new user to start from zero reputation point. Starting from scratch is not what we do in programming. So we should offer a new scheme that them start from non-zero points.
What about we allow them to start from 10k points in the first month of probation? The points would slowly decay to zero if the system detected no useful engagement. They will have a month to prove to us.
It's not a new idea. In World Of Warcraft, a new Death Knight hero start from level 55 and people like it this way. I think we will receive a great boost in new user engagement if we give them a chance to thrive. Hero class on Stackoverflow? (similar idea but we will need to change the name)