As per What topics can I ask about here?:
Questions on professional server, networking, or related infrastructure administration are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve programming or programming tools.
Professional system and network administrators, ask on Server Fault.
Although, there are several well-received questions on Stack Overflow that discuss Kubernetes infrastructure, core concepts, configuration, implementation, troubleshooting and some other subjects that are not even related to programming. Here are some examples:
- 357 Votes - What's the difference between Apache's Mesos and Google's Kubernetes
- 150 Votes - Pods stuck in Terminating status
- 136 Votes - Ingress vs Load Balancer
- 67 Votes - Multiple environments (Staging, QA, production, etc) with Kubernetes
Right now I have a problem in Kubernetes/Docker/systemd that is causing millions of log lines and high CPU usage. This problem may overlap with Stack Overflow / Server Fault topics, as it involves some of server config files, ".yaml programming" and Kubernetes programming tools.
I know that cross-posting is extremely discouraged. So where is the best place to ask for help in problems like this one described above? Stack Overflow? Server Fault? Maybe even DevOps (Beta).
Undoubtedly, questions on Stack Overflow have much more visibility due to the number of active users, so it's tempting to simply post there to find better answers quickly. There is a way to overcome this lack of visibility on another Stack Exchange sites?