Hi, I'm Cody, and I deleted your comment(s) asking for your answer to be accepted.
You should not leave comments like this. At best, they're noise. At worst, they can be easily perceived as bullying the asker into accepting your answer, no matter how delicately you try to phrase it and irrespective of your true intent.
The site already provides plenty of help and guidance for new users with regards to accepting answers. There's a Help Center entry that explains acceptance and upvoting, as well as other just-in-time help that is provided to new users—e.g., on their profile page listing their questions.
Acceptance of an answer is completely optional. I'm not saying it was the case here, but it's reasonable for someone to ask a question and get an answer that works for them, but choose not to accept it as an indication that they're still hoping for a better answer. We don't want to give the impression that is not okay.
Note that I also deleted the comment from the asker thanking you for your answer. Nothing wrong with such comments, per se, but we consider them to be unnecessary noise here on Stack Overflow. A better way to say thanks is, as you already know, an upvote (and an accept, if appropriate).