I didn't delete them "as spam", if I considered them spam I would have flagged them as such and they would have been shown as deleted by "Community" not me. You would have also suffered a 100 point reputation penalty on each answer.
They were flagged as spam and I deleted them because you hadn't declared your affiliation first revision of answer
Now that you have declared your affiliation they are no longer spam by Stack Overflow's definition.
The correct procedure is to flag the answer(s) stating that you've fixed the issue so that we (as a group) can review your edit and make sure that you have properly declared your affiliation.
In this case, it all appears nicely done so I'll go ahead and undelete the two that you've edited now.
There's nothing wrong in linking to your projects to illustrate solutions, but if all of your answers only exist to promote your projects then there's a good chance that they'll get flagged again and I can't guarantee that they won't be deleted again.