I am responding to the suggestion here:
What can I do when getting “We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account”?
Under: How can I find my deleted posts?
ask a support question on Meta for a moderator to provide links to those posts.
This is such a question to moderators on Meta.
I am not an avid user of the Stack Overflow family of sites, but I do find them useful very often for the very reason that questions and answers are indeed returned by many search engines in response to queries I submit when researching something.
I have a modest, but positive, reputation on various sites, but on Stack Overflow itself an answering ban.
I'm happy to try and work out why and to redress that, and appreciate that these are big sites with a lot of automation behind them in this area in particular. But the link the message provides shows me only one answer I submitted:
Which is unfixable in a sense. If there is a criticism here, it is possibly only that the question itself and answer are not of lasting general use, but related to a specific help-style request that runs against the Stack Overflow mission in a sense. Yet deleting my answer won't help me, and I have not control over the question and not even the asker has bothered to return and vote the answer as useful in a sense.
So I'm stuck wondering if there are deleted answers of mine that I can't see and if there is anything I could do with them.
I found out I have an answer ban after typing an answer that I felt would help someone. So in protecting others from time-wasting we waste my time?
On looking at it, the question itself is possibly in the category of help-style questions and not likely one to have future value to the community, so perhaps it's better if I don't answer it. It's an easy one to answer for anyone with modest experience related to the question asked in any how - low fruit so to speak. Hence the appeal.
I scored 2 little reputation points by tidying up the question mind you and am not even sure how that happens. As, if a moderator approved them, the same moderator might conclude the question is worth downvoting on basis of no future value.
In short, I would like to pursue the advice that I read in the post above and request a list of my deleted answers and of course any leverage on removing this answer ban. It seems a little difficult to gain reputation if one can't answer questions.
On the flip side I have some open questions with no responses (frustrating to me), but which might also fall prey to the judgment that they are specific help-like questions with questionable future value. Though of course when I posted I did not feel that and I only post a question after a LOT of on-line research and trying to couch a specific experience into a general context if I can.
If a moderator can help out with a list of deleted answers I'll see if I can gain traction on them.