The original title and post body asked how to swap tuples in a two-element list. The example the OQA showed was simply reversing the list, and that was the quick response of many a pythonista, including close votes to the canonical How can I reverse a list in python?. I asked a couple follow up questions that revealed that what he really wanted was not to reverse the list, but had to do with sorting.
By that point the question had already been voted a dupe by four users and hammered closed. I used my hammer to re-open since it wasn't a dupe of the targeted question, and answered for the benefit of OQA.
...However, it is still most definitely a dupe (possibly of Sort a list of tuples by 2nd item (integer value)), and most definitely is a low-quality question. Would it have been better to leave this closed and possibly comment the answer for OQA instead?