The major problem with this is that, unlike close voting, downvoting is completely anonymous, and there's not really an agreed-upon standard for when you should (or shouldn't) downvote. That being said, it's essentially impossible to measure how good of a job someone is doing downvoting (unless we also want to create a standard for that and de-anonymize voting) and not even an agreed-upon definition of what this would mean.
There are multiple checks and balance in place for close voting as well as accountability. There is also recourse for mistakes. There are review audits in the close vote queue, so you can get temporary bans if you're doing a bad job. When a question is closed, you know who voted to close and why. If people feel that their question shouldn't have been closed, they can appeal to the original closer voters in comments, the SOCVR, or Meta. Plus there's also the Reopen Queue.
There is no such accountability for downvotes. If you feel that someone downvoted your post unfairly, there's no recourse - there's no mandatory explanation (for reasons that have been discussed extensively elsewhere), no way to tell who downvoted, and no "undownvote queue." These things are unlikely to change (nor am I arguing here that they should).
That being said, that's why you can get badges for working the review queues but not for downvoting. There's a way to critique how well you're reviewing, an agreed-upon definition of what constitute valid close vote reasons, and a recourse for mistakes. These simply don't exist for downvoting, so it doesn't make sense to give badges when we can't even audit how well they're doing. For all we know, someone could downvote 1000 posts at full random and get a badge. I'm not saying that that's happening commonly right now, but it could happen. In fact, given the anonymous nature of voting, it's difficult to prove that it's not already happening.
Badges should reward "good" behavior on the site. Votes aren't intrinsically "good" behavior; good voting is good behavior. We can know whether people are close voting well, but we don't know if people are downvoting well.
One more point: do many users actually consciously seek out badges? If not, adding a badge wouldn't make any difference in the majority of people's behavior and this change would be largely pointless. After all, the entire point is to encourage people to downvote more often, and if it didn't do that it wouldn't help.