With the general availability launch of Staging Ground in June, we monitored several reviewer engagement metrics: the number of unique reviewers, the average number of reviewers per day, the adoption rate (the number of users who actually became reviewers, out of all the eligible active users who have access), and the number of questions reviewed per reviewer. Unfortunately, at this point, these numbers are not growing.
Staging Ground exists in service of our mission to provide a repository of human knowledge about programming, for the public good. It acknowledges the need for new users to be supported by creating a positive, rewarding, and sheltered entry point. For this reason, Staging Ground is one of the most important initiatives Stack Exchange currently has to offer.
Staging Ground, however, has one small problem: it takes a lot of work. If It succeeds, it will only be on the backs of community members, like many of you, who work to make it a success. However, even this is not enough — a lesson we’ve learned time and again (for instance, with review queues). For it to succeed, there must be enough reviewers over a sustained period to meet the number of questions coming in.
In order to make Staging Ground sustainable, keeping existing reviewers engaged and attracting new reviewers is a priority. In addition to adding more badges for reviewers to earn, the possibility of earning rep is a potential incentive to increase reviewer engagement.
This is not a new idea; prior to the launch of the Staging Ground beta, the product team discussed the possibility of awarding reviewers rep. During the beta, it was discussed again in the Staging Ground Testing Teams instance (only available to those who participated in the beta). We collected feedback from beta participants about the idea, including whether the broader community would like it, and tweaks that could be made to do it well.
We have taken note of the concerns raised regarding the potential for increased fraud if curators are rewarded in this manner. While these concerns are valid, we still firmly believe that curators deserve recognition for their invaluable contributions. Historically, we have acknowledged their efforts through badges, and we plan to continue to do this, but we feel that the dedication and meticulous care curators demonstrate in maintaining the network's high standards of quality merit something more substantial as well.
Staging Ground reviewers play a crucial role in ensuring that the content on our platform remains accurate, relevant, and of the highest quality. They work tirelessly behind the scenes to uphold the integrity of the information shared, but their efforts often go unnoticed. By rewarding reviewers with rep, we not only acknowledge their hard work but also incentivize others to contribute to the community in meaningful ways.
We understand that this is a contentious issue, as reputation has traditionally been reserved for content creators. However, the landscape of our community is evolving, and with the addition of Staging Ground, it is essential to adapt our recognition systems to reflect the diverse ways in which members contribute. Rewarding Staging Ground reviewers with reputation points is a step towards a more inclusive and comprehensive acknowledgment of all forms of contribution.
We understand that this would be a fundamental change to the system. We are offering you a proposal for this idea — and let us be clear, this proposal is targeted to Staging Ground only.
Feedback is welcome, particularly about any concerns that you believe would cause major friction for community members or moderators. We are committed to working on mod tooling to identify bad actors and seek input from you all about what you believe are the most crucial needs at this time to make this proposal viable.
We will outline this proposal as follows:
Goals and rationale
Overview of the rep incentive
Planned updates
Moderator input on new tooling
Call for feedback
Goals and rationale
There are three main goals we hope to achieve with this proposal:
Goal: Current reviewer retention.
- Rationale: Ensure existing participants can continue to help guide new askers. Since the launch in June, at least 2,000 reviewers have participated once in Staging Ground. However, our true baseline for consistent participation is the average daily reviewers which hovers between 130-140 reviewers on a given day.
Goal: Attract new reviewers
- Rationale: Entice potential reviewers who may not have been previously interested. There are plans to lower the reviewer entry criteria for users with less than 500 rep who have demonstrated particular behaviors which make them eligible (to be defined).
Goal: Encourage reviewer investment in the question’s outcomes on the main site
- Rationale: Reviewers play a leadership role in guiding new askers, so they should be invested in the outcomes of the posts they contribute to.
Overview of the rep incentive - How it could work
At a high level, changes to the rep system within Staging Ground should be focused on incentivizing the desired behavior: approvals on posts that are ready to be posted on Stack Overflow.
How we see this working: In Staging Ground, when you approve a post, you have a stake in that question and gain (or lose) a portion of the rep that the asker gained (or lost). Reputation would be granted on the basis of the reviewer’s final action only.
As such, the first iteration could look like this:
Reviewer's last action | Reputation +/- | Reason | Limits or exclusions |
Approve OR Approve with minor edits | +5 rep | Each upvote post receives | Limit 5 upvotes; (max 25 rep gained) / Exclusion: reviewer votes on asker's question |
Approve OR Approve with minor edits | +10 rep | Question remains open on Stack Overflow and was not closed at any point within the first week | |
Approve OR Approve with minor edits | -2 rep lost | Each downvote post receives | Limit 5 downvotes (max 10 rep lost) |
Approve OR Approve with minor edits | -5 rep | Question closed on Stack Overflow | Exclusions: “needs details or clarity” or duplicate closure reasons |
Approve OR Approve with minor edits | -20 rep | Question is deleted on Stack Overflow as spam or offensive |
This proposal bakes in other limitations such as:
- Reviewers are still subject to the existing rep cap — no more than 200 rep earned per day.
- Rep gained is locked in after 14 days to protect against long-tail vandalism.
This proposal is not finalized. One of the most important factors is hearing feedback to ensure that we are creating something that would be sustainable and add value to the Stack Overflow community. We are also reviewing the feedback we have already gathered from moderators and plan to add a few more considerations in future iterations, such as tweaks to which reviewer actions can earn rep and to the success indicators for graduated posts.
Planned updates
Beyond this rep incentive proposal we are planning on releasing several upcoming changes, based on valuable feedback from community members and moderators. These changes are designed to incentivize reviewers and enhance moderation within Staging Ground, empowering mods to manage content more efficiently. Changes we are planning on making are:
Advanced reviewer stats
- We have introduced advanced reviewer statistics to enhance the existing Moderator tools 'links' page. This new feature, built in response to feedback, will provide moderators with a comprehensive overview of reviewer activities, allowing for better monitoring and management. The functionality includes the ability to filter Staging Ground reviewers based on a minimum number of reviews, specifically focusing on the number of posts reviewed rather than individual actions within a post.
Ability to formally document and warn reviewers without suspending them (will also benefit existing review queues)
New badges to incentivize reviewers
We have observed a strong correlation between earning Staging Ground badges and an increased level of participation. Data indicates that reviewers who have earned badges are more engaged, performing more review actions and leaving more comments compared to those without badges.
Since the launch, nearly 300 reviewers have earned at least one SG badge. On average, these badge-earning reviewers perform 14 times more review actions per reviewer than those without badges, representing a nearly 1,300% increase. Seventy percent of all reviewer actions are taken by those who have earned badges. Additionally, reviewers with badges leave nearly five times more comments, although it is important to note that not all reviews require comments.
To further boost engagement and motivation, we are excited to introduce a new set of badges designed to recognize and reward the efforts of Staging Ground participants, both askers and reviewers.
Name Type Criteria Awarded multiple times? Eager Learner Bronze Leave 2 comments in Staging Ground. No Swift Editor Bronze Edit to your own Staging Ground question within 5 hours of receiving feedback. No Polisher Silver Post 2 questions on the main site from Staging Ground after making minor edits to your draft. Yes Graduate Gold Asked two successful questions (receiving a post score of +2, or a post score of +1 and an answer) on the main site from Staging Ground. No First Review Bronze Review your first post in Staging Ground. No Variety Reviewer Bronze Review questions from 50 distinct tags in Staging Ground. Yes Daily Practice Silver Review 50 Staging Ground questions in one day. Yes Steadfast Reviewer Silver Review at least one question in Staging Ground per day for 7 consecutive days. Yes Champion Reviewer Gold Review 1,000 posts in Staging Ground. Yes
Mod input on future tooling
We understand these issues are multifaceted, and while our goal has always been to underpromise and overdeliver, it's important to set the expectation that we cannot fix everything at once. But we have a plan to move forward.
We’ve collected some feedback internally from the team who worked on the suspicious votes page and from mods about some of the pain points that they have expressed in the past, such as difficulty in being able to identify sock puppets, targeted voting, and the recommended course of actions that should be taken (more manual or less manual actions to invalidate votes).
We are proactively engaging with moderators to identify specific areas where we should focus our efforts in developing tools to combat voting fraud and abuse. While we do not have any specific details to share right now, we believe that by collaborating closely with mods, we can aim to triage the most critical asks that require immediate attention. We will consider their feedback to help develop these tools so that we can alleviate any burden these potential changes may cause.
In closing
To be clear up front: We acknowledge that all these goals are fundamentally audacious, and we are entering new territory.
We are trying something new, and this is just our first attempt at dipping our toe in the waters of rewarding curators with rep, a form of recognition which we believe is overdue. We expect to need to make adjustments and improvements on this as we continue to iterate, and community input will be crucial in that process. We know there is probably no perfect system that rewards people for optimal decisions 100% of the time, but we hope to start by creating something that works really well in Staging Ground.
We look forward to your feedback.