Right now we hand out penalties for the "negative" action of downvoting but there are no direct rewards for the "positive" action of upvoting. Should there be some sort of direct reward to voting up posts and comments?
I say positive and negative purely in the context of reputation points, not in the overall quality of the site. Of course voting questions, answers, and comments both down and up is a good thing to rank the contributions to the community.
The reason I'm asking this is there seems to be a meta-game going on with posts. Several people might come up with excellent answers but they rarely cross-upvote each other. It might be due to the competitive nature of multiple people racing to an answer and not considering the good points in other posts. It might also be that people are seeking the points associated with gaining the accepted answer - to upvote someone else's answer might convince the asker that the one with the most upvotes is the best answer.
If there was a direct reward for promoting good content then perhaps more people would take the time to upvote "competing" answers. Of course, it would have to be limited somehow to prevent people from blindly upvoting to gain points.
Some thoughts:
- One sort of reward might be if you give an upvote you gain a point, up to a certain amount per day.
- Only reward points for contributions to a question if you also have an answer on the question. That way you are not only hoping to get the accepted answer, you are also promoting other people's good answers.
- Should the same go for comments?
- Rewards for someone asking a question and then upvoting comments/answers?
- Should all contributions be rewarded in some way? This is a bit out of the scope of the question but why hand out a reputation loss for downvoting when that person may be helping to improve the quality of the site? Does it prevent trolls more than it prevents useful filtering?