I would personally have to look at the answers themselves in order to form a qualitative opinion on the matter. Hard statistical facts just isn't enough to tell whether or not the behavior is abusive or otherwise undesired.
You do not disclose much detail about these answers. One of the first things I'd look at is how many of the answers have a negative score and not just those that lack upvotes. Let's not forget that the voting system is the best measure to determine quality posts from problematic posts.
There's a big difference between someone with 80% of their answers having zero score, and someone with 80% of their answers having negative score.
There can be many reasons for the lack of up-votes:
- The answers are of an unpopular or outdated technology (e.g Flash), it is very possible that the answers just don't get enough attention to get an up-vote anymore.
- The answers are for an old question which doesn't attract enough of views to get an up-vote.
- The answers are correct and useful, but are misformatted and hard to read.
- People chose to up-vote other, better answers.
- The asker doesn't have enough reputation to up-vote.
...the list is endless.
Take a look at the When should I vote up? and When should I vote down? sections of the help page:
When should I vote up?
Whenever you encounter a question, answer or comment that you feel is especially useful, vote it up!
When should I vote down?
Use your downvotes whenever you encounter an egregiously sloppy, no-effort-expended post, or an answer that is clearly and perhaps dangerously incorrect.
Note that it says "especially useful" for up-voting and "egregiously sloppy" , "no-effort-expended" and "dangerous" for down-voting. Perhaps the user in question has a tendency to post answers that falls between those descriptions, which is not very uncommon to see in my experience.
Of course, if the majority of answers fit the latter category, then just flag those answers for "low quality" and move on. If you want, you could post a comment with a link to how to answer, if you want to help out.
Given enough flags though, may result in an answer ban.
tag which generates some traffic daily. It was my mistake that I didn't think and mentioned about this. I will update the question to include this informationpaying special attention to those that score 0 or less
statement. That does not mean that a lot of zero score questions will result in a ban. It just means that fixing those questions can help get you unbanned. There is a difference in meaning. Very relevant answer form Shog9 elsewhere on meta