I do not know if many people care about brand/technology names, typography and typesetting conventions, but my eyes bleed everytime I see a post containing this...
Html, css, Javascript, Jquery, json, Php, mySQL, postgresql, VIM, intellij, visual studio
... instead of this:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Vim, IntelliJ, Visual Studio
Of course, I am not talking about tags which have to be lowercase for technical reasons. Tags are great as they are. What I am saying is that it is important to respect official names in the content of a post. Vim is a text editor, whereas VIM is a French company specialized in ventilation. Sometimes case matters, and generally, it improves readability when it is used properly.
Moreover, question titles that do not begin with a capital letter look terrible. A question like this...
how to send ajax requests using javascript and xmlhttprequest
... sends a really bad signal in terms of quality. This is much better:
How to send AJAX requests using JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest?
My question comes here: would it be possible to implement a built-in post beautifier that parses the textual content (out of code snippets) on validation, replaces each occurrence of badly written names with their correct typography, and forces uppercase for the first letter in a question title?
We could also imagine name suggestions in the editor. For example, if the user types "javasc", the system should be able to suggest "JavaScript" on the fly (like mentions with @
in comments). A leading capital letter should be proposed (or imposed) too when the appropriate input field has focus.