I had a feeling that I have been targeted by someone for taking out revenge by downvoting my previous answers/questions and it is not continuous as it only occurs in pair and that too at the same time. I suspect it as a revenge voting by some user. Is there any way this can be confirmed.
1 Answer
I had a feeling that I have been targeted by someone for taking out revenge by downvoting my previous answers/questions and it is not continuous as it only occurs in pair and that too at the same time. I suspect it as a revenge voting by some user. Is there any way this can be confirmed.
Stack Exchange does have an algorithm that runs nightly and invalidates anything the system perceives as serial voting - up or downvoting.
So if someone downvotes loads and loads of your posts, chances are these votes will be reversed and/or the person will get a moderator message or suspension.
In your case though, these are few and isolated votes, and may not come from the same user.
My advice is to get over it, the couple of points of reputation you lost are nothing to fret over. If this really is a person doing this to upset you, then the best defense is to not get upset over it. Keep writing answers and questions and don't let it bother you.
If it's not particularly bothering you, then you could just take satisfaction in the belief that someone is slowly wasting their life on this and go spend your own doing something more productive.
If something gets downvoted totally unfairly, there's a huge chance someone will upvote and eradicate the effect of 5 downvotes. But feel free to flag for moderator attention if it really bothers you.