Despite trying to "be nice", commenting instead of downvoting and explaining when I hammer-close a question with a duplicate, (and not commenting when downvoting/deleting most of the time & in review :)), I managed to get serial-downvoted a few times.
2 times it was a massive downvote, and it was reverted the next days. 2 other times, it was a more subtle under-the-radar downvoting. Both times, the offender chose 3 or 4 of my top-rated questions and downvoted them.
My top-rated questions (link not provided for voting!) are python questions, unrelated to each other. So clearly serial downvoting unless 3 people visit my profile at the same time, and choose 3 different questions (on the top list) to downvote upon :)
What happened the first time is similar to Revenge downvotes, not invalidated after two accepted flags, so the pattern is common, and the guy never got reversal. My second flag is pending with a (very nice) comment from a moderator
Forwarded to the CM team for further investigation. It does look like a series to me, but we can't make promises on them being reverted.
(no doubt that I'll never see those votes reverted... EDIT: got them reverted after 1 week, many thanks to the mods! in the meanwhile, got other downvotes on other questions... flag pending. sigh.)
So the moderator knows that it's serial downvoting but cannot prove it, and has to escalate to SO employees, with more powerful rights, but also powerless against the bulk of requests like that.
Same goes for serial upvoting (which is less detrimental for individuals, but more harmful for the site)
The moderators cannot know who voted, let's keep it that way but let's provide them with some new tools:
- showing voters under a generated pseudo. Each voter has the same pseudo (like in Swiss bank anonymous accounts, the ones who have such an account know what I mean:)), which could change every x months to avoid someone figuring the names out
- make them able to manually reverse the votes when they're sure, and/or escalate to SO employees if action is needed (voting ring, sock puppets)
Say that I was serial-downvoted by "John" (but we don't know that yet). I flag my post and the moderator sees that "bozo122435" (generated pseudo for "John") downvoted 3 of my posts: now the mod knows that the same user voted on my posts: no need for rocket science to prove that it's serial downvoting.
That would also allow to detect serial upvoting ("bozo423526" appears in all my top answers) and voting rings (3 distinct pseudos appear to have upvoted the same user 30 times in a short period of time)
So after that, SO employees would remain the only ones knowing who voted (we don't care about the names anyway), but moderators would know for sure when serial voting occurs when checking a flagged post, would be autonomous to handle "small" irregularities, and could present a more detailled analysis to the SO employees for them to take punitive measures.
I fear that this feature is too complicated/costly to implement. Just in case no-one ever had that idea, and it's super-easy to do, worth a shot...