Stack Overflow is a big community with users from different backgrounds. In Stack Overflow, tens of thousands of tags are proposed by different users to annotate questions. However, due to the diversity of the human language, it is very likely that same-meaning tags with slightly different forms co-exist in the site (e.g., pdfjs, pdf.js).
Although I have seen a lot of tag synonyms, only part of them are listed in the officially-curated synonyms. But the rules are too strict:
Users with more than 2500 reputation and a total answer score of 5 or more on the tag, can suggest tag synonyms.
With a synonym-finding algorithm and a manual check, I found a lot of tag synonyms on Stack Overflow. But due to my reputation score, I can only list them as below (Note the direction is decided by tag usage frequency, the more frequent one is in the right side):
abtest --> ab-testing is synonym
access-point --> apple-push-notifications
access-point-name --> apple-push-notifications
account --> accounting synonymised
accounts --> accounting is synonym
acs --> accesscontrolservice
adapter --> adaptor
adc --> analog-digital-converter
administrative --> administration
administrator --> administration
ads --> advertisement
advertising --> advertisement
affiliate --> affiliates synonymised
agent --> agents synonymised
aggregate --> aggregates discuss/disambiguate
aggregator --> aggregators synonymised
air-native-extension --> adobe-native-extensions
ajaxform --> ajax-forms synonymised
ajax-upload --> ajaxuploader
alarm --> alarms synonymised
alassetlibrary --> alassetslibrary
alert --> alerts discuss/disambiguate
alias --> aliasing
aliases --> aliasing
allocator --> allocation
alphabet --> alphabetical
alphabetic --> alphabetical
alwaysontop --> always-on-top
amq --> activemq
analytics --> analytical
ancestry --> ancestor
android-intent --> android-internet
ane --> adobe-native-extensions is synonym
angular-bootstrap --> angularjs-bootstrap
angular-controller --> angularjs-controller
angular-directive --> angularjs-directive is synonym
angular-filters --> angularjs-filter
angular-google-maps --> angularjs-google-maps
angular-http --> angularjs-http is synonym
angular-module --> angularjs-module is synonym
angular-ng-if --> angularjs-ng-if
angular-ngmodel --> angularjs-ng-model
angular-resource --> angularjs-resource
angular-routing --> angularjs-routing
angular-template --> angularjs-templates
annotate --> annotations
apn --> apple-push-notifications
appbar --> application-bar
appdata --> application-data synonymised
appdomain --> applicationdomain
appsettings --> application-settings
aquery --> android-query
area --> areas synonymised
args --> arguments
arm7 --> armv7
arrow --> arrows
artifact --> artifacts
aspect --> aspects synonymised
aspnet-compiler -->
assert --> assertions
assertion --> assertions
associative --> associativity
asynchronous --> asynchronously
atomic --> atomicity
audiorecord --> audio-recording
audiostreamer --> audio-streaming
author --> authoring
authorization --> authentication
authorize --> authentication
autocmd --> autocommand
autoload --> autoloader
automata --> automaton
autorotate --> auto-rotation
avatar --> avatars synonymised
azuread --> azure-active-directory is synonym
azure-api-management --> azure-management-api
backbone-collections --> backbone.js-collections
background --> backgrounding
backup --> backups synonymised
balloon --> balloons
batching --> batch-file
beanstalk --> beanstalkd is synonym
beizer --> bezier
binder --> binders is synonym
bitmask --> bit-masks synonymised
bjam --> boost-jam
bll --> business-logic-layer is synonym
blob --> blobs synonymised
blobstore --> blobstorage
block --> blocking
blocked --> blocking
boost --> boosting
boost-build -->
bower --> browserify
brand --> branding
broadcast --> broadcasting
brush --> brushes
btle --> bluetooth-lowenergy
bucket --> buckets synonymised
buffer --> buffering
buffered --> buffering
build --> building
builtin --> built-in is synonym
builtins --> built-in is synonym
bulk-load --> bulkloader
bundle --> bundles synonym conflict
cakephp-model --> cakephp-appmodel
callout --> callouts synonymised
caption --> captions synonymised
capture-group --> capturing-group
cardio -->
category --> categories
ccw --> counterclockwise
cdc --> change-data-capture
cdn --> content-delivery-network
cell --> cells synonymised
center --> centering
cep --> complex-event-processing
chain --> chaining
chained --> chaining
channel --> channels discuss/disambiguate
char --> character synonymised
chars --> character is synonym
chart.js --> charts.js
checklistbox --> checkedlistbox
checkpoint --> checkpointing
chunked --> chunking
chunks --> chunking
ckeditor --> fckeditor
click --> clicking
client --> clients synonymised
clisp --> common-lisp
clock --> clocks
clone --> cloning
cmd --> command
codesign --> code-signing
collaborative --> collaboration
collapse --> collapsable
collate --> collation
collision --> collisions
comet --> cometd
comments --> commenting
communicate --> communication
comparator --> icomparable
compareto --> icomparable
compliant --> compliance
condition --> conditional
confidential --> confidentiality
config --> configuration
connect --> connectivity
connection --> connections synonymised
contact --> contacts is synonym
contain --> contains is synonym
contenttype --> content-type synonymised
contenttypes --> content-type
continuation --> continuations is synonym
contract --> contracts synonymised
control --> controls is synonym
controller --> controllers synonymised
controltemplate --> controltemplates synonymised
convention --> conventions is synonym
converter --> converters synonymised
coordinate --> coordinates is synonym
coords --> coordinates
count --> counting
covariant --> covariance
cprofile --> profiling
createjs --> create.js
criteria --> criterion
cron --> crontab
cruisecontrol -->
cube --> cubes should stay
curl --> libcurl
curry --> currying
curses --> ncurses
cursor --> cursors should stay
curve --> curves synonymised
customising --> customization
customizing --> customization is synonym
customvalidator --> custom-validators synonymised
cython --> cpython
daemon --> daemons should stay
database-connection --> database-connectivity
data-cleaning --> data-cleansing
datacontract --> datacontracts synonymised
dataformat --> data-formats synonymised
datamember --> data-members synonymised
datareader --> sqldatareader
datastore --> data-storage
datatable --> data.table should stay
datatables --> data.table
datediff --> date-difference
date-parsing --> datetime-parsing
dbconnection --> database-connectivity
db-first --> database-first
dblink --> database-link
dbproj --> database-project
debounce --> debouncing
decimalformat --> decimal-format synonymised
decode --> decoder
decompress --> decompression is synonym
decouple --> decoupling is synonym
deeplink --> deep-linking is synonym
default --> defaults synonymised
definition --> definitions synonymised
delegates --> delegation
delimited --> delimiter
demo --> demos synonymised
denormalized --> denormalization
destructor --> destruction
detail --> details is synonym
detailview --> detailsview
detect --> detection
df --> dataframe
dfs --> depth-first-search
diagram --> diagrams synonymised
dialog --> jdialog
digit --> digits is synonym
dih --> dataimporthandler
dimension --> dimensional
dimension-reduction --> dimensionality-reduction
dimensions --> dimensional discuss/disambiguate
direction --> directions should stay
disassembler --> disassembling is synonym
disassembly --> disassembling
disconnect --> disconnection
disconnected --> disconnection
discount --> discounts synonymised
dispatch --> dispatcher
disposable --> idisposable
distribute --> distributed
distributed-cache --> distributed-caching is synonym
django-cache --> django-caching
django-email --> django-mailer
django-mptt --> modified-preorder-tree-t
django-taggit --> django-tagging
django-tests --> django-testing
document --> documents synonymised
domready --> document-ready
dos --> denial-of-service
doublebuffered --> double-buffering
downcast --> downcasting
download --> downloading
drawrect --> drawinrect
drive --> drives synonymised
driver --> drivers synonymised
dropshadow --> drop-shadow synonymised
dt --> datetime
dto --> data-transfer-objects
dvm --> dalvik
dynamic-controls --> dynamic-usercontrols
dynamicform --> dynamic-forms
dynamicquery --> dynamic-queries
edge --> edges synonym conflict
edt --> event-dispatch-thread
effect --> effects
ejs --> embedded-javascript
element --> elements synonymised
emgu --> emgucv
emr --> elastic-map-reduce is synonym
emulator --> emulation is synonym
endpoint --> endpoints synonymised
enumerable --> enumeration
enumerator --> enumeration synonymised
enums --> enumerators
environment --> environments synonymised
eol --> end-of-line
equals-operator --> equality-operator
equation --> equations synonymised
equivalent --> equivalence
erb --> embedded-ruby
erd --> er-diagrams
er-diagram --> er-diagrams is synonym
esql --> entity-sql
evaluator --> evaluation
eventlistener --> event-listeners is synonym
event-listener --> event-listeners
eventreceiver --> event-receiver synonymised
eventtrigger --> event-triggers synonymised
eventviewer --> event-viewer is synonym
exception --> exception-handling
exec --> execute
executequery --> executenonquery
executor --> executors synonymised
explode --> exploded
exponent --> exponents
extend --> extending should stay
extends --> extending
external --> externals synonymised
extra --> extras
extract --> extraction
fab --> floating-action-button is synonym
facebook-authorization --> facebook-authentication
facet --> facets synonymised
factors --> factoring
factory --> factories
fault --> faulted synonymised
faults --> faulted is synonym
favorite --> favorites is synonym
feed --> feeds synonymised
ff --> firefox
fiber --> fibers synonymised
figure --> figures synonymised
filebrowse --> file-browser
filehandle --> file-handling
fileinputstream --> fileoutputstream
file-read --> filereader
filestream --> fileoutputstream synonymised
filter --> filtering
finalize --> finalizer
fingerprint --> fingerprinting
fixture --> fixtures is synonym
flash --> flashing
fluent --> fluentd
flush --> fflush
fold --> folding
folder --> folders
fop --> apache-fop
format --> formatter synonymised
formats --> formatter is synonym
formatted --> formatter
form-authentication --> forms-authentication is synonym
formhelper --> form-helpers is synonym
formsauthentication --> forms-authentication synonymised
formset --> formsets synonymised
formula --> formulas synonymised
forum --> forums synonymised
forward --> forwarding
frame --> frames should stay
fsm --> finite-state-machine
fso --> filesystemobject
fstream --> fileoutputstream
fulltext-index --> full-text-indexing
gac --> global-assembly-cache
gadget --> gadgets
gateway --> gateways synonymised
gcal --> google-calendar
generator --> generated
genetic --> genetics is synonym
gesture --> gestures synonymised
getelementsbyname --> getelementsbytagname
getopt --> getopts should stay
git-tf --> git-tfs
glib --> glibc
glob --> globbing
global --> globals discuss/disambiguate
gmock --> googlemock is synonym
google-account --> googlesigninaccount
google-authenticator --> google-authentication
google-closure-library --> google-closure-libraries is synonym
google-signin --> googlesigninapi
gquery --> gwtquery is synonym
gradient --> gradients discuss/disambiguate
gradle --> gradlew
graph --> graphing
graphic --> graphics is synonym
group --> grouping
groups --> grouping
guava --> multimap
gwtp --> gwt-platform is synonym
gz --> gunzip
handle --> handles synonymised
handler --> handlers synonymised
handshake --> handshaking
hardcode --> hardcoded
hci --> human-computer-interface
hdd --> hard-drive is synonym
helper --> helpers synonymised
hextiles --> hexagonal-tiles
hiddenfield --> hidden-field synonymised
highlight --> highlighting
hijack --> hijacked
hint --> hints discuss/disambiguate
hls --> http-live-streaming
hoist --> hoisting
host --> hosts should stay
hql --> hiveql
http --> https should stay
httpconnection --> httpsurlconnection
httprequest --> http-request synonymised
httpurlconnection --> httpsurlconnection
identify --> identifying is synonym
il --> intermediate-language is synonym
imagemagic --> imagemagick
imagick --> imagemagick
implicit --> implicits synonymised
indexed --> indexing
indic --> indices
infinite --> indefinite
infinity --> indefinite
info-plist --> info.plist
inherited --> inheritance
initalization --> initialization
initializer --> instantiation
initializing --> initialization
inline --> inlines should stay
insert --> insertion
inspection --> inspections synonymised
inspector --> inspections
install --> installer
instance --> instances synonymised
instruments --> instrumentation
int --> integer
integrate --> integrated
integration --> interaction
integration-tests --> integration-testing
interactive --> interaction
interfacing --> interaction
internal --> internals synonymised
interpreted --> interpreter
interrupt --> interruptions
interruption --> interruptions synonymised
invoice --> invoices synonymised
iocp --> io-completion-ports
iojs --> io.js
ios-extensions --> ios-app-extension
ipc --> inter-process-communicat
ipcs --> inter-process-communicat
ir --> information-retrieval
isomorphic --> isomorphism
italic --> italics discuss/disambiguate
itemsource --> itemssource
iterator --> iteration
ivar --> instance-variables synonymised
jarsign --> jar-signing
jasmin --> jasmine
javamail --> javax.mail
jeasyui --> jquery-easyui
jil --> jsonserializer
journal --> journaling
jshint --> jslint
jstat --> jstatd
jtemplate --> jquery-templates
jtemplates --> jquery-templates synonymised
jwt --> json-web-token
jxl --> jexcelapi
kext --> kernel-extension is synonym
keyevent --> keyboard-events synonymised
key-events --> keyboard-events is synonym
keystonejs --> keystone.js
keystroke --> keystrokes synonymised
kvc --> key-value-coding
label --> labeling synonymised
labels --> labeling is synonym
lastinsertid --> last-insert-id synonymised
launch --> launching
launchd --> launching
launcher --> launching
layer --> layered
lazyload --> lazy-loading
letter --> letters
level --> levels
lf --> linefeed
libs --> libraries
light --> lighting
lights --> lighting is synonym
limit --> limits synonymised
line --> lines synonymised
listadapter --> listview-adapter
listboxitem --> listboxitems synonymised
listener --> listeners synonymised
local --> locals discuss/disambiguate
location-services --> location-based-service
locks --> locking
logfile --> log-files synonymised
logfiles --> log-files synonymised
lostfocus --> lost-focus synonymised
lr --> left-recursion
lts --> linq-to-sql
lwp --> libwww-perl
lxc --> linux-containers
m2e --> m2eclipse is synonym
manual --> manuals synonymised
mapper --> mappers synonymised
mapping --> mappings synonymised
margin --> margins discuss/disambiguate
marker --> markers discuss/disambiguate
mask --> masking
match --> matching
materialize --> materialized
mathjs --> math.js
maven-ear-plugin --> maven-war-plugin
measure --> measurement synonymised
measures --> measurement is synonym
mediaelement --> mediaelement.js
member --> members synonymised
memoization --> memorization
menuitem --> menu-items synonym conflict
message --> messages synonymised
metatag --> meta-tags is synonym
meteor-accounts --> meteor-useraccounts
metric --> metrics is synonym
migration --> migrating
mingw64 --> mingw-w64 is synonym
minimization --> maximization
minimize --> minimized
minmax --> minimax
mirror --> mirroring
moc --> managedobjectcontext
model --> modeling synonymised
models --> modeling is synonym
modifier --> modifiers synonymised
modulo --> modulus
mongo-java --> mongodb-java is synonym
mongo-shell --> mongodb-shell
monitor --> monitoring synonymised
monitors --> monitoring is synonym
mouselistener --> mouse-listeners synonymised
movie --> movies discuss/disambiguate
mpchart --> mpandroidchart
mptt --> modified-preorder-tree-t
mq --> message-queue
msg --> messages
msgbox --> messagebox
msgpack --> messagepack
mtm --> microsoft-test-manager is synonym
multi-database --> multiple-databases
multifile --> multiple-files
multifile-uploader --> multiple-file-upload
multilanguage --> multiple-languages
multilingual --> multiple-languages
multi-monitor --> multiple-monitors is synonym
multiple-select --> multipleselection
multiprocess --> multiple-processes
multiprocessing --> multiple-processes
multiprocessor --> multiple-processes
multi-project --> multiple-projects
multi-select --> multipleselection
multi-table --> multiple-tables
multi-user --> multiple-users
multivalue --> multiple-value
multiview --> multiviews synonymised
mutate --> mutated
mvcminiprofiler --> mvc-mini-profiler synonymised
names --> named
nested-query --> nested-queries
nodesets --> node-set
node-streams --> node.js-stream
normalization --> normalisation
normalize --> normalisation
normalizing --> normalisation
nose --> nosetests
nsnotification --> nsnotifications is synonym
nsview --> nstextview
nszombie --> nszombies synonymised
numberformatter --> number-formatting
numbers --> numbered
numerics --> numerical is synonym
nwjs --> nw.js
odt --> opendocument
oid --> objectid
onactionexecuted --> onactionexecuting
onclick --> onclientclick
opcode --> opcodes synonymised
operand --> operands synonymised
operation --> operations synonymised
option --> options synonymised
optionmenu --> options-menu synonymised
orbit --> orbited
order --> orders should stay
ordinal --> ordinals discuss/disambiguate
osb --> oracle-service-bus
osk --> on-screen-keyboard is synonym
ota --> over-the-air
outputcache --> output-caching
overlay --> overlays synonymised
override --> overriding synonymised
overrides --> overriding is synonym
p12 --> pkcs#12
package --> packages synonymised
package.json --> packages.json
packet --> packets synonymised
pagerjs --> pager.js
paginate --> pagination
paginator --> pagination
pane --> panels synonymised
panel --> panels synonymised
panes --> panels is synonym
paragraph --> paragraphs synonymised
param --> parameters is synonym
params --> parameters synonymised
parent --> parents synonymised
parfor --> parallel.foreach
partial --> partials discuss/disambiguate
particle --> particles is synonym
partition --> partitioning
passwd --> passwords
patch --> patching
pch --> precompiled-headers
pcntl --> process-control
pdfjs --> pdf.js
pdfviewer --> pdf-viewer synonymised
pe --> portable-executable is synonym
perfmon --> performance-monitor
perms --> permissions
persist --> persistence
persistent --> persistence
perspective --> perspectives synonymised
pg --> postgresql
photo --> photos synonymised
phrase --> phrases synonymised
ping --> pinging
pipeline --> pipelining
piston --> django-piston
pixel --> pixels synonymised
pkcs12 --> pkcs#12 is synonym
playlist --> playlists synonymised
plist --> property-list
point --> points discuss/disambiguate
pointcut --> pointcuts synonymised
polygon --> polygons synonymised
popup --> pop-up
popviewcontroller --> poptoviewcontroller
port --> ports synonymised
position --> positioning
posix --> pthreads
post --> posts should stay
powermanager --> power-management
powermock --> powermockito
pp --> pretty-print
ppc --> powerpc is synonym
pprint --> pretty-print
precompile --> pre-compilation
precompiled --> pre-compilation
predicate --> predicates synonymised
preemptive --> preemption
preference --> preferences
prefix --> prefixes
preload --> preloading
privilege --> privileges is synonym
procedure --> procedures synonymised
process --> processing
processor --> processors discuss/disambiguate
product --> products
profile --> profiling synonymised
profiler --> profiling
profiles --> profiling is synonym
proj --> projects
project --> projects synonymised
proof --> proofs synonymised
provider --> providers
proxy --> proxies
publish --> publishing
pwd --> passwords
pyunit --> python-unittest
qc --> quality-center
qsort --> quicksort
queuing --> queueing
quota --> quotas synonymised
quote --> quoting
quotes --> quoting discuss/disambiguate
qwebkit --> qtwebkit is synonym
raiserror --> raiseerror
rate --> rates synonymised
ratelimit --> rate-limiting
rbac --> role-based-access-control
rdebug --> ruby-debug
rdms --> rdbms
readability --> reliability
readline --> readlines should stay
rebase --> git-rebase
rebasing --> git-rebase
record --> recording synonymised
records --> recording is synonym
reentrant --> reentrancy
refcounting --> reference-counting
referer --> referrer
region --> regions synonymised
relationship --> relationships synonymised
reload --> reloading
render --> rendering
renderer --> rendering
repeat --> repeating
report --> reporting
require --> required synonymised
requires --> required is synonym
rerender --> rendering
resolution --> resolutions synonymised
restriction --> restrictions synonymised
revision --> revisions synonymised
ria --> rich-internet-application
richtextediting --> rich-text-editor
role --> roles is synonym
rollover --> rollovers synonymised
rope --> ropes should stay
routedcommand --> routed-commands is synonym
routedevent --> routed-events synonymised
routedevents --> routed-events synonymised
router --> routing
routes --> routing
rpt --> reporting
rtc --> rational-team-concert is synonym
rte --> rich-text-editor
rtmp --> rtmps should stay
rule --> rules is synonym
runloop --> run-loop synonymised
rvo --> return-value-optimization is synonym
scaffold --> scaffolding
scalable --> scalability
schedule --> scheduling
scheduler --> scheduling
schtasks --> scheduled-tasks
scope --> scoping should stay
scopes --> scoping
scrape --> scraper
scrapy --> scrapyd
screen --> screens synonymised
scriptlet --> scriplets
scrollbar --> scrollbars synonymised
scroller --> scrollbars
scrollview --> scrollviewer
sdn --> spring-data-neo4j
secs --> seconds
segment --> segments synonymised
select --> selected
sencha-cmd --> sencha-command
sentence --> sequences
sequence --> sequences synonymised
serializable --> serialization
serializer --> serialization
sessionstorage --> session-storage synonymised
setting --> settings is synonym
settings-bundle --> settings.bundle
sgen --> sgen.exe
shadow --> shadowing synonymised
shadows --> shadowing is synonym
shape --> shapes synonymised
share --> shared
sharp-architecture --> s#arp-architecture
shellexecute --> shellexecuteex is synonym
shopp --> shopping
shortcut --> shortcuts synonymised
showdialog --> showmodaldialog
sid --> sessionid
signals --> signaling
signature --> signatures synonymised
singleinstance --> single-instance synonymised
singlepage --> single-page-application is synonym
skimage --> scikit-image is synonym
skin --> skins discuss/disambiguate
sknode --> sklabelnode
slice --> splice
slide --> sliders
slider --> sliders synonymised
slot --> slots synonymised
smooth --> smoothing is synonym
smtp --> smtps should stay
som --> self-organizing-maps
sortable --> sortables is synonym
space --> spaces should stay
spawn --> spawning
specs --> specifications
speech-synthesis --> speechsynthesizer
spline --> splines synonymised
spoof --> spoofing --> sqlite-net
sqlparameter --> sqlparameters
ssdt --> sql-server-data-tools
ssi --> server-side-includes
stack --> stacked
state --> states synonymised
static-initializer --> static-initialization
stem --> stemming
sti --> single-table-inheritance
stock --> stocks synonymised
store --> storage
strchr --> strrchr
stream --> streaming
stretch --> stretched
strip --> stripes
strophe --> strophe.js
stub --> stubs synonymised
subclass --> subclassing
subdirectory --> subdirectories
subdirs --> subdirectories
subdomain --> subdomains
subform --> subforms synonymised
submitting --> submission
subreport --> subreports synonymised
subscribe --> subscriber
subscription --> subscriptions synonymised
substr --> substrings
substring --> substrings
subtype --> subtyping
subview --> subviews synonymised
supervisor --> supervisord
suppress --> suppression
symbol --> symbols is synonym
synchronisation --> synchronization
synchronize --> synchronization
synchronized --> synchronization
synchronizing --> synchronization
syntaxhighlighter --> syntax-highlighting
sysadmin --> system-administration
system --> systemd
systemexit --> system.exit
systemjs --> system.js
systray --> system-tray
table --> tablename
tabview --> tabbed-view
target --> targeting synonymised
targets --> targeting is synonym
template-engine --> templating-engine
templatetag --> templatetags is synonym
tesselation --> tessellation
tether --> tethering
text-mining --> topic-modeling
threadstatic --> thread-static synonymised
throw --> throws should stay
tile --> tiles
tiled --> tiles
tm --> topic-modeling
tmp --> temp
todo --> todos
toolbar --> toolbars synonymised
topicmodels --> topic-modeling
tph --> table-per-hierarchy
track --> tracking
trail --> trailing
transactions --> transactional
transition --> transitions synonymised
translate --> translation
transparent --> transparency
treemap --> treemaps synonymised
treenode --> tree-nodes synonymised
trend --> trending
triples --> triplet
truncate --> truncated
trust --> trusted
tunnel --> tunneling
turnjs --> turn.js
tv --> television
tvp --> table-valued-parameters is synonym
twist --> twisted
typeahead --> typeahead.js synonymised
typeconverter --> type-conversion
typeconverting --> type-conversion is synonym
typedarray --> typed-arrays is synonym
typelib --> type-library
typelibrary --> type-library synonymised
uart --> usart
udf --> user-defined-functions is synonym
uia --> ui-automation
uibutton --> uibarbuttonitem
uid --> userid
uisearchbardisplaycontrol --> uisearchdisplaycontroller
umount --> unmount
unbox --> unboxing
uncheck --> unchecked
underscores --> underscore.js
uninstall --> uninstaller
union --> unions should stay
upload --> uploading
urlrewriter --> is synonym -->
utf-16 --> utf-16le
util --> utils
v4l --> video4linux
va-arg --> varargs is synonym
validation --> validating
vao --> vertex-array-object
var --> variables
variant --> variants synonymised
variation --> variations is synonym
vendor --> vendors synonymised
version --> versioning synonymised
versions --> versioning is synonym
vfs --> virtualfilesystem
vhosts --> virtual-hosts
view --> views synonymised
viewhelper --> view-helpers is synonym
virtualhost --> virtual-hosts synonymised
visitor --> visitors discuss/disambiguate
volume --> volumes discuss/disambiguate
voxel --> voxels synonymised
vr --> virtual-reality is synonym
vscode --> visual-studio-code is synonym
vsm --> visualstatemanager
vspackage --> visual-studio-package
vuejs --> vue.js is synonym
vxml --> voicexml
wdk --> winddk
web-config-transform --> web.config-transform
webcontent --> web-content synonymised
webdeploy --> web-deployment
webmethod --> webmethods discuss/disambiguate
webservice-client --> webservices-client synonymised
webtest --> web-testing
webusercontrol --> web-user-controls synonymised
webusercontrols --> web-user-controls synonymised
weight --> weighting
weighted --> weighting
winapp --> windows-applications
window --> windowing --> window.opener
windowed --> windowing
window-messages --> windows-messages
windows --> windowing should stay
window-server --> windows-server
windowsformhost --> windows-forms-host is synonym
windowsformshost --> windows-forms-host synonymised
wmp --> windows-media-player
word --> words synonymised
word-boundary --> word-boundaries
workflowservice --> workflow-services synonymised
wrap --> wraps synonymised
writablebitmap --> writeablebitmap
writer --> writers synonymised
wse --> ws-security
x509 --> x509certificate
xamarin.forms --> xamarin-forms
xmldoc --> xml-documentation
xml-rpc --> xmlrpclib
xuggle --> xuggler
xunit -->
zone --> zones synonymised
(Status added from Clean up of run-together/hyphenated and singular/plural tags or for 'is synonym' based on this query courtesy of @modelbuilder42 but not fully up to date - eg alwaysontop nor fully accurate/comprehensive - eg dos and denial-of-service / ddos).
- If some of them are not right, feel free to edit it or ask me to do it;
- If you find more synonyms which are not in the list and have not enough reputation propose it in Stack Overflow, also feel free to add them in this list;
- If you think the pairs are right and have the reputation to propose such tag synonyms, please help me propose them.
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is simply a type of json serializer, might still make sense to have both.window-messages
I believe is different fromwindows-messages
, since one implies an OS and the other doesn't. I suppose it depends on how they are used in practice. Some of the abbreviations are a bit ridiculous imo.jil
can also be the "Job Information Language", a scripting language for Autosys jobsipcs
is a specific command that you can use to inspect usage of SysV IPC on your system.ipc
is a huge
just means C compiler, not cross-compiler.cleditor
are, as far as I can tell, competitors.package-capture
sounds like a general topic, whilepcap
is a specific library.square-root
- general topic,sqrt
- name of a function,datediff
- specific function...qsort
is a specific function which, at least in case of the C language, often does not usequicksort