So, are we saying the word problem is blocked mostly because we actually think it makes it hard to find good answers to real programming problems??!
Let me rephrase that, is this being blocked because moderators are tired of seeing the word "problem" in the titles of low quality questions, or is there some technical reason of which I am unaware?
Actual Use:
- A Person searches using Google which DOESN'T CARE if the word problem is included but searches for more meaningful words (C++, variables, loop, code, etc...[yes it searches for problem too but, in the statistical average, so what])
- In their Google results most of what they see will be posts on SO as much because the good ANSWERS have the more valuable technical terms.
- Finally, the user clicks on an SO link for a question. So long as the question is roughly similar to what they want to know (regardless of specific words) they look through the answers.
- Finally, (almost ignoring the question) they find a good answer and are happy.
SO, given the above, putting the word problem in the title is only a sin of bad form... a learning point for new users, NOT a major technical issue, (unless of course I am missing something, which sure could be, but then is it a technical weakness to be solved elsewhere or an actual problem?)...
Before I get flamed for my dissent (though I'm sure I'll get downvoted):
Please let me add that, while to me, allowing the word problem in a title does not seem to be fixing any actual technical problem, or preventing valid users from finding good answers, I think training new users is very important.
As such I suggest something similar to what @BiscuitBaker suggested in his comment to @uhoh
"...but I do wonder if silently removing the check for users over X rep might work. ...".
Pythagorean 3-Body
but it seems a pretty bad title to me. Like sayingC++ container problem
which is totally useless. Find a more descriptive title that will help others with the same problem to find your question in a search. It must be possible to describe the key words of the problem.