This smells fishy. Really fishy.
Let's list the things that we know.
- The question was asked back in 2009, so it's over 6 and a half years old, or ~2378 days.
The question is very popular, with over 1M views.
The answer didn't exist until 17 August, which is only 114 days, or 4% of the entire lifespan of the question.
Let's list some likelihoods.
- The question most likely had the majority of those views early on in its life. A lazy estimate would put the total of views per day at around 446 views/day. I don't believe it's possible to get snapshots of each individual day's views, but if anyone can I'd love to see that too.
The issue here is that you've managed to surge ahead with the supposition that you've helped over a million people with that one answer, when the likelihood is that you've helped closer to 40-50K.
This is why I feel like it's a bug. The amount of time the answer has survived is no indicator of how many people have seen that specific answer. Unfortunately, SEDE doesn't track views on a specific answer, but perhaps they should to come up with a more accurate answer on this.
This opens up this number (which is already flimsy) to be gamed; simply post a good answer on an old question and you count as "reaching" everyone that's viewed that question, even if they haven't viewed your answer.
In case my proposed solution wasn't quite clear, here's what I'm thinking.
The "reached" count you get should only increase based on the estimate of how long the answer was around with respect to the question's views.
Algebraically, it's "simply":
(total question views / total question life in days) * (total answer life in days)
For this case, it would be:
(1062111 views / 2378 days) * (114 days) ~ 50.9K people reached
This would make it more balanced towards answers who've existed more towards the length of the question and those that just showed up. It's still a guess since that doesn't even come close into taking into account votes, but I doubt that would factor heavily into it, considering that the answer has to exist before it can be voted on.