I've been a member for nearly 9 years. I've asked 260 questions and counting. Some about old technology, some about new technology that became old. There's probably some questions of mine that have answers that score higher than the answer I accepted. Maybe at the time that was the best answer but now there's a new tool or somebody developed a better approach that wasn't available when the question was first asked and answered.
On the other side of things, I've sometimes found somebody else's question and attempted to use the accepted answer only to find that the higher voted, un-accepted answer turned out to be a better alternative.
I propose that there's either a notification linked to the question or a page on my profile where I can go to that would list questions I have asked with accepted answers that are not the highest scoring answer. Maybe I change my accepted answer, maybe not. That's up to the asker.
Considering the time aspect of this situation, it may not be that the original accepted answer is bad. Reducing their score because a better answer that may not have been available at the time may not be the best action to take. If possible, leaving the 2 points to the original answer might not be a bad idea.