TLDR: In this case, and cases like it, I would edit the question to read "How can I do X", and leave it unanswered until such a time as an answer exists, unless "X" happens to be something that will forever be impossible in which case a "You can't do that because...." answer is appropriate.
I generally feel that if "no" is a good answer to a question, it's because the question needs to be reworded.
"No" is a good answer to questions like this:
Is it possible to turn a user's computer off with JavaScript?
just like "Yes" is a good (well, at least appropriate) answer to questions like this:
Is it possible to select an element from the DOM without using jQuery?
In both cases, the intended question isn't "is it possible", it's how can I do it.
Generally, I think these questions should be edited to read "How can I do X", at which point "No" is no longer a suitable answer. Instead, "You cannot do this because Y" becomes a valid answer, or, better, the question can remain unanswered until there is a solution.
Take the question in question. He's asking "Is there a way..." when what he's really asking is "How can I...". And yes, right now, there is no way. But that isn't to say there will never be a way. At one point, somebody might have asked "How can I get the user's location from their GPS in JavaScript?" and "you can't, it's impossible" would have been a valid answer. I doubt they'll ever expose an API for examining the SIM card, but it could happen, and then that question will have an answer.