What I don't understand is why you insist on flagging what is obviously an answer as "not an answer". Nowhere in the flag label or description says that it means "not a good answer". Those two phrases don't mean exactly the same thing. One is a subset of the other. Which means not every mediocre/bad answer is not an answer. (On the other hand, something that is not an answer cannot be a good answer in the same way that an orange cannot be a good apple because it's not an apple in the first place!)
Yes, we have standards for what counts as a passable answer to an "Is it possible to do X?" question, because saying "Yes, it is very much possible to do X." doesn't tell anyone anything other than the fact that it is possible, and likewise saying "No, it is not possible to do X." doesn't explain what exactly it is that makes X not possible, which makes such answers next to useless (unless the statement of X itself is self-explanatory). But that pertains to answers that are answers, which means posts that were posted as answers but are non-answers are irrelevant to this discussion altogether.
Which brings me to my point — granted, what we're looking at is a shitpost, i.e. an obvious attempt at deliberately making a nonconstructive post for its own sake and not a good-faith attempt at answering the question. But unless you've never asked or answered a yes/no question or your native language doesn't have a concept of yes or no, saying that no is "not an answer" to a yes/no question is downright asinine.
It's not like NAA is the only option for punting a post to the review queue either. And even if "very low quality" was not an option in this specific case, you could even have custom-flagged it explaining that the answer was obviously not a serious one and it was posted chiefly at the expense of the asker. I would be more than happy to remove it for that reason, in spite of it fitting the definition of an answer in context.
Oh and all of this is discounting the fact that the question sucks to begin with. Not that that justifies posting an intentionally bad answer at the expense of the asker, but obviously not every intentionally bad answer is posted because the question sucks — some of these time-wasting answers appear under otherwise well-written questions, too. Doesn't change the fact that "not an answer" is one of the worst choices of flag to begin with considering, again, it's not the only option available to you.
We have enough problems with borderline NAA flags as it is. Please don't add to them by trying to twist the definition of NAA and then complaining when your flag gets rejected afterward.