Yesterday, I made an answer on a post stating that what OP was asking was not possible using current APIs (specific to Chrome). A couple hours later, another user commented on my answer stating that I had failed to answer the question, and I should be more careful in the future. I responded to them stating that I had in fact answered the question at hand, as I stated the original question was not possible (which, by the way, was also explicitly asked in the original question).
I fail to see why my answer was deleted, and I'm unable to even view the answer any more. It would be great if there was a notification that an answer of mine has been deleted (and why!), as without it I am left wondering what happened.
Hopefully someone with enough reputation can pull up the answer I'm talking about, and perhaps explain things to me.
I'm unable to even view the answer any more.
You can always view your own deleted answers.