I want to know how to properly perform a "First answer review" on this answer:


As my question title says, OP answered their own question saying that the problem was "in another part of the code"

Is this the accepted way of handling this? Or would it be better if the user had closed their question instead?

I searched the meta and couldn't find anything that quite fits this scenario, although I have certainly seen this pattern on Stack Overflow before.

I found What purpose does a question serve that does not explain the problem clearly and is answered by the OP, but it's not the same. The OP's answer is clear; it's just that the answer seems to invalidate the question.

  • 34
    "Or would it be better if the user had closed their question instead?" ... that's the correct approach. When the issue was somewhere else, then the question is, as it currently is, not reproducible and there is a close/flag reason for that.
    – Tom
    Commented Feb 17, 2022 at 3:43
  • 1
    @Tom Makes sense. Now as an answer reviewer, should I leave a custom comment suggesting this? The answer is not unclear, nor does it need supporting information.
    – Willow
    Commented Feb 17, 2022 at 3:59
  • 2
    Well, I won't say you should, because comments can result in harsh answers from OP when they don't accept/like your comment, but you could if want to. You can also flag the question.
    – Tom
    Commented Feb 17, 2022 at 7:39
  • the reivew system, needs reviewing and optimizing again and again.
    – nbk
    Commented Feb 17, 2022 at 8:45
  • 2
    @Willow In this case, trying to convey to the OP that they should close their question after already answering it sounds... not worthwhile. The community should close this. I also think that even the most amiable user would be confused by those comments getting added after they've already answered their question themselves, so I'd refrain from those for that reason too.
    – zcoop98
    Commented Feb 17, 2022 at 16:14
  • @zcoop98 that makes sense and I think is aligned with Jack's answer. My action on answer review shouldn't ask the user to close their own question, but rather just let them know I've flagged it to be closed.
    – Willow
    Commented Feb 17, 2022 at 16:35

1 Answer 1


Vote to close the question (if you have 3000+ rep) or flag the question (if you have under 3000 rep) as "Not reproducible or caused by typos". (Which is what's happened to the question here.)

Then for the "First Answers" review, add a comment like "Glad you solved it, but this question won't help any future SO users, therefore I'm voting to close the question", and pick "Other action". Or just skip.

  • You didn't mention it, but what about also downvoting the question on the grounds that it was "not useful"? Or is that just being unnecessarily hostile to a new user?
    – skomisa
    Commented Feb 19, 2022 at 3:33
  • 1
    @skomisa Everyone has their own subjective approach to when to downvote, of course. But for me personally, I don't usually downvote a new user's question that I've already flagged to close (and is certain to be closed) unless it's pretty egregiously spammy, rude, or obviously just demanding code. I feel like if they appear to have made a good faith attempt, closing the question (and perhaps offering some advice in a comment) is enough. Commented Feb 19, 2022 at 4:21
  • I tried going to the question, but it has now been deleted and have no context. But going by what I've seen as question, with one answer (the OP), both being valid and well written, why close it?
    – RobMac
    Commented Feb 19, 2022 at 15:23
  • 2
    Because, @RobMac, the question was off topic for SO, on account of not presenting a reproducible (from the contents of the question) issue. Commented Feb 19, 2022 at 19:21
  • That feel when you find something on stack overflow that is useful to you that was closed because it's not useful for future visitors, the irony
    – Rainb
    Commented Feb 19, 2022 at 20:07
  • 6
    @Rainb When the answer is "the problem was in another part of the code" and was found by the Asker, that's not really useful to anyone, the Asker included.
    – trlkly
    Commented Feb 19, 2022 at 20:40

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