I think that you can be objective about this question and you should put aside any moral concerns. This reminds me of something Joel Spolsky has written in one of his articles:
Don’t be afraid that you’re going to reject too many people and you
won’t be able to find anyone to hire. During the interview, it’s not
your problem. Of course, it’s important to seek out good candidates.
But once you’re actually interviewing someone, pretend that you’ve got
900 more people lined up outside the door.
Same analogy.
So when it comes to objectively evaluating a question you should be ruthless and free of any moral constraints. Use downvote and flag the question for closure. If you just downvote nothing will happen and we'll just see a bunch of downvoted questions. If you flag it there is a good chance that it will be closed and it will cease to pollute the list of questions with noise.
There is an important thing though: you should comment on the question. This should be a no-brainer but people often just fire and forget. If you don't tell them what the problem is they might just get angry and ask again or something like that. On the contrary if you comment and tell them what was the problem they get feedback and can improve (if they want to of course).
In my case I often short-circuit if I see any of these patterns and downvote+flag+comment on the question accordingly. I think that it is OK if you have a file with the standard comments for every pattern.
- Classic bozo question like:
How to pass arraylist of custom class in intent using Parcelable interface ? I have arraylist having objects of custom class now i want to pass this arraylist from one activity to another activity. Please help ! Thanks in advance.
No code, no Exception no nothing. You might often feel in these cases that the user is so hopelessly pointless that no amount of explaining will make him/her understand. Standard answer is :
This question in its current form is not answerable, consider editing it or reading the FAQ.
- "I failed to google my basic question" question:
I'm newbie in coding and i do know that both programming language supports OBJECTS but can anyone explain what is the major difference in term of object in both languages.
Thanks in advance
Standard answer: I think this question can be googled rather quickly. If you don't understand what the problem is please read the FAQ.
- "Solve my homework" question:
This is a homework that I want your help in order to do it! Thanks all!!! Hope it is not difficult to give me instructions how to solve it or to give me some parts of code to start with!
Then he goes on and copy-pastes the homework and the instructions. Standard answer is:
This is a question and answer site if you are confused please read the FAQ. If you want someone to solve your homework hire a consultant but we are not supposed to solve it for you. After all it is a homework assignment in the first place.
- "Suggest me a library" question:
Can anybody suggest me a Code Library Software that we can implement
in our development team. We are working on the following development
iPhone (on Mac) Android (on Windows & Mac) PHP/LAMP Model ( on Windows
& Mac) Flash/ActionScript (on Windows & Mac) Thank you.
Standard answer is: On this site we are supposed to provide concrete answers to concrete questions. Suggestions are not part of its agenda. If something is not clear please read the FAQ.
- Classic duplicate question:
How does parameter passing work in java?
It has been answered like 1024 times. No reason to answer it again. You don't need to comment since after flagging it a comment will appear with something like "possible duplicate of..."
These are the most common ones I see. There are some general things to remember:
- Downvoting/flagging is not a personal attack. You evaluate a question and react to it. This is supposed to be objective only considering the question itself not the user.
- Sometimes you will feel the need to answer the question. Don't do it. It will just lead to a proliferation of new questions with zero worth and you will end up cleaning up the mess.
- If someone gets fed up and starts to attack you personally then stay objective and link to the FAQ or explain the problem again. Imagine yourself in their situation. Stay polite and use the flag function.
- Don't be afraid to comment. Voting anonymously is easier, I know but if you don't provide a pointer to what the problem is you leave the user without any guidance.
I hope this helps.