Stack Overflow's focus is shifting.
In the starter years, it was merely a "documentation simplification", because existing documentation and examples were flawed. Microsoft and Sun's documentation were too factual without too many examples ("Method FooBar foos the bar.", not mentioning what a bar is or why you would foo one), PHP's documentation was incomplete at best and the community responses to those sites were harmful to say the least. Forums didn't have voting, so it was hard to find decent code examples where caveats of said examples were explained properly.
Questions like "How do I split a string?", "How do I perform an HTTP request?", "How does SQL group by work?" were very welcome on Stack Overflow then.
When SO got to the state of where most of such basic questions were answered, the key point to asking a question became research. "What have you tried?" ( This is still true.
The first phase still isn't over as far as I'm concerned, lots of those "basic" or "reference" questions' answers still lack detail, explanations of caveats, links to sources and especially generality (lots of them are "too localized", which isn't a thing anymore). There's still lots of work to do there if Stack Overflow still wants to be a knowledge base.
Currently, adhering to the closing guidelines, a lot of the questions being asked are "unclear" (lack of detail of what the asker exactly wants to do, and whether one given approach is feasible and desirable) or "too broad" (asking too much at once, or asking for things that aren't properly explained in a paragraph or two). The tendency though is that such questions don't get closed, but answered - poorly. I say poorly because there's usually little interaction with the asker, but the answerer takes a few assumptions and answers as they see fit.
This causes answers to common questions to be spread out, making the case hard to research and, worse, hard to find authoritive, correct, well-explained answers. Here starts the problem I'm having with the current state of affairs: experts are a scarce resource, they can't find and answer each invocation of common questions, slowly turning Stack Overflow into what it was specifically created to fight: a collection of unfindable, unanswerable, uncontrollable, unverifyable and even incorrect questions and answers!
An abstract example: if you know you want to apply a certain type of authentication to a web application built in a certain framework, optionally running on a certain specific web server, or when you know your HTTP client is failing because it isn't sending cookies, it is very easy to find the proper answer. Concrete: Basic authentication in ASP.NET MVC 5, How to add cookies to WebRequest?. (I'll ignore the fact that for both questions many exact duplicates exist already).
The problem: this is all swell when you know what the problem is. Questions posted nowadays are being asked by people that don't know what they're doing or what the problem is. "How to use authentication in MVC?", or "Why does my web scraper not work?". Such questions get asked multiple times a day (and I'm sure your favorite tag has its own share of recurring questions), and answered too.
Yet list questions and too broad questions are forbidden ("What ways of authentication exist for ASP.NET?", "How to build a properly functioning web scraper?") and repetition of existing answers is rewarded (case in point: the question linked to by OP and its currently top-voted answer at 20 points that doesn't add anything new to the site - no offense meant, I see this often and sometimes do it too).
We need to create broader and better reference questions, like the question linked to here can be generalized. By building upon a good set of basic questions and proper answers that complement each other, we can work our way to a point where answering every single question becomes as easy as collecting links to reference questions and piecing them together with some explanatory text.
We need to work harder towards building this knowledge base, as opposed to Stack Overflow becoming (or continuing to be) an answering machine for every rehash of existing questions, as that machine will one day grind to a halt.
), and vote accordingly, then do so! I don't see why a voting approach needs to be outlined for a case like this.