Signal vs Noise
I find that when a question warrants a close vote, it usually violates a number of rules, sometimes a majority of the rules, and it is hard to decide which is the most appropriate.
Also with the dearth of high reputation points users compared to the influx of anonymous/new users flooding the site with incomplete, homework questions, begging for code to be fixed without any clue what is actually wrong and the general laziness of the Internet since it has "discovered" Stack Overflow.
Now that most of the time when you google for something the majority of the top 10 hits are Stack Overflow links, and it just draws more and more people that don't care how the site is supposed to work; they just want a quick answer.
The signal-to-noise ratio is getting pretty bad in the last year where it discourages me from even trying to answer questions, because I have to dig through so much cruft to find the actual honest-to-goodness questions that need answering versus the noise.
Statistics that I could dig up from
Closed Question Statistics
Closed Questions: 312,039
Closed Questions Score > 0: 111,117
Closed Questions Score >= 0: 210,392
Closed Questions Score < 0: 101,647
Closed Questions Score <= -5: 13,866
Closed Questions Never Edited By Owner: 236,892
Questions that were actually edited after being closed:
Closed Questions LastEditDate > ClosedDate: 33,474
Closed Questions LastEditDate > ClosedDate and LastEdited by Owner: 12,500
Closed Questions Never Edited By Owner After ClosedDate: 15,092
Questions that were successfully re-opened after being closed:
Closed Questions Re-Opened: 12,061
Closed Questions Re-Opened With No Edits After Closing: 864
Closed Questions Re-Opened Edited After Closed & LastEditedBy <> Owner: 205
Closed Questions Re-Opened Edited After Closed & LastEditedBy = Owner: 60
Only 60 questions that were last edited by their owner after being closed made it to re-open status out of 312,039
total closed!
Those are some pretty depressing numbers and confirms my suspicions. Trying to moderate right now is a losing battle, because if the people don't put effort into the question, they aren't going to put any more effort into it to fix it to get an answer.
Custom close reasons are too much effort and time consuming
It takes more effort to moderate out these questions than it did for the person that posts them in the first place many times, and you just sigh and give up.
Maybe an MRU list of custom close reasons where I don't have to type in the same belongs on XXX message over and over.
Maybe custom close reasons need to weight more since I took extra time to create it?
##Maybe some close reasons need to have a higher weight than others?
I think the powers that be should consider allowing for multiple close votes or some better weighting scheme to close things quicker that are noise.
Maybe duplicate votes for "exact duplicate" that pick the same answer independently count for more, only need 3 instead of 5?
Maybe if you are in the top 1%
in the most popular tag in the question your vote weighs more?
##Why don't closed questions get downvoted more?
Too many questions on my front page linger at 4 close votes for too long, discouraging me from looking for more relevant good questions to answer.
I see too many on hold
questions with positive scores or zero. If it is bad enough to be closed, it shouldn't show up on the front page at all.
I think a close vote should also be an automatic down-vote. And a on hold
question should be set to at least -5
##More creative algorithm
A better algorithm weighting of who is voting to close vs who created the question should be experimented with at least. Maybe a bleed out, once close vote(s) are cast if the question isn't edited sufficiently automatic close votes or downvotes or both get cast by the system until it bleeds out! Or something like that, be creative!
If it is bad enough to be closed, it shouldn't show up on the front page at all.
Why? What if the close vote was wrong? For example, something is marked as a duplicate, but it turns out the two questions are using radically different versions of the API. Or maybe the question needed improvement and has received it, but has not yet been reopened. Remember, closed doesn't mean "cannot be redeemed", it means "something needs fixing" - that's why it was changed to "on hold".-5
and I never see it!60
questions reopened that were last edited by the owner after being closed out of312,039
questions closed is a pretty damning statistic! I think you guys have too much faith in the denizens of the Internet ...Closed Questions Never Edited By Owner: 236,892
out of312,039
that is over2/3
of the closed questions that get abandoned.