+1, if I could... but I need 15 rep to do so. This is perhaps an appropriate introduction to my point.
I'm "new here", so I apologize if I'm speaking out of turn. However the fact that I'm so "new here" (in the contribution sense) is exactly why I'm interested in this topic. This is an attempt to describe my perspective on the up-vote issue from the "new contributor" lens.
I have been a "passive" (not-logged-in) user for some time (years), and have derived enormous benefit from this site. (THANKS!) When I first learned how fantastic this site was, I immediately started to try to upvote everything in sight. Of course, not being a logged-in user, I couldn't upvote. So then I signed up for an account so that I could upvote stuff (a threshold already too high for many!). But even with a login, you need rep to upvote -- for very justifiable reasons.
I don't know what fraction of logged-in users don't have enough rep to upvote, but I think this is part of the acculturation (initiation?) process of this site. Is there perhaps a learned dis-incentive to upvote, once you've got enough rep to upvote? Or, phrased another way, how to incentivize up-voting? Is that a even a good idea, or is it a terrible idea that misses the point?
Stuff like the six simple rules for increasing rep is a provocative (productive? cynical?) discussion that touches on game theory of the (unfortunate? helpful?) competitive aspects of rep on StackExchange, and the tradeoffs in up-voting (and down-voting). From a pure game-theory perspective, the ideal case is to for you to up-vote nothing, and for everyone else to up-vote your stuff... right?
So my perspective, being a long-time "lurker" and now wanting to be a "contributor" (in the sense of the internet culture 1-percent rule), I need up-votes to actually productively contribute to the site. After finally deciding to become more "active" in the culture, it requires significant time and effort to do so (I also posted a question about how newbies should start; full disclosure, this is my question). I'm also wishing/hoping that people are willing to up-vote enthusiastic and genuine contributions, especially from newbs to get us over the initial contribution "hump", and hope that I'll do the same once I have enough rep to do so! ... without going so far as to encourage swill questions or allow spam and other cruft. A tricky balance, no doubt.
Anyway, just newb's too-lengthy, pie-eyed, rosy (naive?) view of the beauty of SE. It's great to be here. :)