For example, I have an issue with garbage collector pressure affecting my program. I've been trying solutions from the internet, but they all seem to decrease performance. I suspect I'm missing some sort of fundamental concept, but I can only post the code that I changed with a brief description of how it's used and not the full code.

Something like:

I observed bad performance based on "some tool or performance counters".
I tried A, here's how I changed my code: <some code bits>.
Here is "some tool or performance counters" output before and after the change: <some console outputs>.
Why is this decreasing performance, and how was I supposed to implement this to increase performance?

Is a question like that on-topic on Stack Overflow, in Software Engineering, or nowhere? Is it useful to others without the main program where the issue is happening?

  • 1
    It's the opposite, as my question is very specific (to the point where I'm not sure it would be useful to a broad audience)
    – Kolichikov
    Commented Apr 30, 2021 at 0:41

1 Answer 1


GC tuning is hard practically an art form with its own graduate thesis attached to it. Without knowing the exact details or at least enough details to be able to replicate, test and validate the tuning locally, we're going to have a very rough go at helping you out.

It's not that we wouldn't want to help you, or that this advice isn't valuable. The very nature of what you're asking requires us to be much more in context than your average question, and because we can't get that far in context - either because you can't provide more details, or we can't get access to the specific hardware architectures you're dealing with - we wouldn't be able to answer the question.

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