Is a question that requests a concept, not code, but an idea on how to
do something, a good question for SO?
If the answer to this question was "no", we could just as well delete 99% of the questions tagged as "algorithm". An example: How to pair socks from a pile efficiently?. Currently it has a score of 2435, it has been favourited 1081 times, viewed 255384 times, and it is protected. And the top answer has a score of 1558. Is it a bad question? No way. Should it be closed as "too broad", as somebody suggested? Again, no way. And yet, the OP didn't ask for code. He asked for an idea. And most answers do not give any code at all; some do, but it's pseudocode.
That's the key: if somebody asks for a concept, it simply means he basically wants pseudocode, without dealing with the syntax of a specific language. He can, and will, deal with the implementation, in his language of choice; he just doesn't know how to approach the problem.
So why is the question I have linked an excellent one, and why are others terrible? He even explicitly asked "what is the best way to...?", which according to Makoto's rule of thumb is a sign that the question could be too broad. I couldn't disagree more.
I will go even further: actually, questions which seek an idea and not code are often much better than others. More interesting, at least. Because instead of concentrating on the quirks of a language and to fight against its syntax and its limitations, you can concentrate on the core of the problem. Which is the part that I like about programming - certainly better than struggling to get a C++ pointer to pointer to work. Or a Perl array of references to hashes of arrays, or that sort of things.
The only thing I could say against these questions is that someone might feel they belong to The difference between SO and Programmers SE is not really clear to me, so I don't know. Oh, by the way: if questions about concepts were bad, that entire site (Programmers SE) could be deleted without hesitation.
And to add one more thing: the Help Center says (emphasis mine) that
We feel the best Stack Overflow questions have a bit of source code in
them, but if your question generally covers…
- a specific programming problem, or
- a software algorithm, or
- software tools commonly used by programmers; and is
- a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development
… then you’re in the
right place to ask your question!
Ok, they mention "a bit of source code", but they also mention the rest.
...In short: a question that requests a concept, not code, can be a great question. Of course it could also be a very bad one, but that depends on the single question, not on its asking for ideas instead of code.