I visited the homepage today and saw this:
Where on the right, you have 2 links to the Overflow Blog, and on the top now, you have another. I have posted about the sidebar before:
but it seems the issue is getting worse, not better. Can we please stop using Stack Overflow as an advertising platform for the Overflow Blog? I know the blog exists. If I want to read the blog, I will visit the blog. For now, I have added this to uBlock Origin filters:
hopefully I dont miss anything of actual significance.
andstackoverflow.com##.s-sidebarwidget--header:has(+ .s-sidebarwidget--item:has(a[href*="stackoverflow.blog"]))
. You can replacestackoverflow.com##
to make rule work on all domains, or you can specify your own list of domains likestackoverflow.com,stackexchange.com##