When we announced the accessibility initiative we had originally stated that the changes would only only be rolling out on SO and on the Teams product. Once the work on this began we realized it made sense for some changes to be deployed network wide. We also encountered some issues around color hacks, legacy code, etc.—we have decided that we are going to put a pause on this initiative and future updates so we can sort that out.
Some network wide color contrast changes that were deployed last week and we’ve posted these changes on MSE if you’d like to see them.
TL;DR: We’re kicking off an initiative focusing on improving accessibility on SO and Teams. We underwent an audit of design areas on the site that are not visually accessible to everyone, and are focusing on deploying fixes for the highest-priority issues over the next couple of months. The majority of these changes may not be noticeable to the majority of users, but we want to be transparent about the updates and why we feel they are necessary.
During the first half of 2022, we worked with a third-party accessibility audit firm to create a full audit report of issues on our site that don’t meet the accessibility standards we’d like to hold ourselves to. We are focusing on fixing the most critical issues over the course of the next few months.
Most of the changes will be minor, and you may not even notice them. They are primarily focused around:
- improving color contrast;
- fixing areas of the site where alt text is missing;
- ensuring that some site elements that are currently not accessible by keyboard alone are made accessible;
- and updating text and navigation lists so that all characters are distinguishable.
For these minor modifications, we will not be making a separate meta announcement when each individual change rolls out, but we will be making periodic posts throughout the initiative to share updates around the changes we’ve made. If we find that any changes will be more visible or impactful, we will make dedicated posts to announce those. After this phase of the initiative has completed, we’ll post a summary of all the changes we made and address whether other changes will be made in the near future.
What site(s) and product(s) will this initiative support?
The current initiative is focused on Stack Overflow and the Teams product. However, where it makes sense we will be pushing some changes that will be network wide.
Will changes that are SO/Teams only get rolled out to the other Stack Exchange sites?
For any changes that we’re unable to push network wide at the moment our goal is to eventually roll them out network-wide. We don’t have a current timeline for that rollout. If, by the end of this initiative, we have mapped out a timeline to do so, we will share that in the wrap-up post.
Why is this happening?
A core part of our mission is that our products and tools empower people to find what they need to develop technology. That’s why we’re focusing on improving accessibility on the most critical areas of our site. We want the platform to be a space where everyone can easily access the information they are seeking.
How can I provide feedback?
We will be monitoring this post and the separate meta announcements for larger roll outs for responses up until we make the wrap-up post towards the end of the year. If you have feedback about any changes or want to report any bugs that may be related to this initiative, please post them as an answer under this question (one issue per answer, please). If you are reporting a bug, please provide any steps needed to reliably reproduce the issue you are experiencing, including the browsers and devices where you are encountering the error.