I sometimes edit questions. It often happens when it's something I could help about, but the code attached has a horrible indentation. I simply cannot check other peoples' code if the indentation is not correct: my eyes hurt!
But sometimes it happens that the code is so messed up that something wrong remains. It usually happens when the code contains a lot of tabs (by the way: wouldn't be a good feature to automatically expand tabs in code sections?).
What to do in these cases?
- If I edit again the question someone could tell me "Hey! Are you fraudulently trying to get reputation???"
- If I don't edit the question (or if I cannot edit it because of the 6 characters limit) it seems that I did a bad job. But it would be unfair after editing a 400 lines code section removing 10 tabs per line... from my phone!
So I searched for any meta questions, and I found this one. It sadly tells that no edit^2 can be done. But it says that
However, you can make adjustments to a suggestion while it's still under review.
How could the action above be done? I recently tried to find it, with no success.
(I think that the capability to reverse/modify own suggested edits, or even squash the second edit in the first one in order to not get further reputation could be a useful feature. But this is another question.)
Edit: Here it is! That's what I see after a suggested edit from mobile phone:
The edit link disappeared! In this case I just realized that the C tag was wrong (c++ to be used due to new
use) but I could not edit my edit.