I'm wondering if questions that relate to software development tools but that don't involve code are allowed on Stack Overflow. The example I have in mind is non-code-related questions about Xcode's Interface Builder.
Here, it says that questions related to 'software tools commonly used by programmers' are allowed. However, the 'ask a question' wizard doesn't necessarily seem to allow for such questions.
The first page of the wizard currently offers these options:
- I have a question about some code
- I need help with a homework problem
- I need a hardware recommendation
- I need a software recommendation
- I need to troubleshoot some software or hardware
- Other
The only specific option that seems like it could apply to a tool like Interface Builder would be the troubleshooting one, but not all questions about tools are about troubleshooting.
If you choose 'Other', the next screen offers the following criteria for questions:
- Includes a bit of source code
- Concerns a specific coding issue, algorithm, or language
- Isn't opinion-based
A question about Interface Builder could include no source code and not directly relate to a specific algorithm or programming language. As such, it seems such questions would be disallowed on Stack Overflow.
Although I could be wrong, I doubt Stack Overflow actually intends to disallow non-code-related questions about tools like Interface Builder. Among other things, there are many such questions on Stack Overflow already (although I understand the policies may have changed since those questions were posted).
I searched this forum for threads on the wizard, and found some discussion about whether the wizard inadvertently disallows valid questions. I didn't find any clear answers though, and the aspects of the wizard in question haven't changed, so it's not clear to me what is and isn't allowed at this point.
Are questions about development tools such as Interface Builder allowed on Stack Overflow, even if they don't involve code, provided they otherwise meet Stack Overflow's requirements?