I ran into this question: Are newlines stored internally as \n or a literal newline character?
This seemed like a perfectly fine question, and I saw it was downvoted twice.
It was also marked as a duplicate of: Difference between __str__ and __repr__?
I don't see how these questions are duplicates. Sure, the explanation of the OP's confusion in the first question will have to do with the answers provided in the second, but the primary question seems unique ("how are newlines stored?").
I typically downvote questions that are obvious duplicates of other Stack Overflow questions. So I think that by marking this (to my estimation, reasonable) question as a duplicate, it's tempting for people to think that it really is a duplicate and therefore it should be downvoted.
Specific questions:
Does the community think that these questions are truly duplicates?
Is there a way of distinguishing true duplicate questions verses separate unique questions that just have a similar core issue? (In my opinion, the answer should link to the similar question, but marking it as a dupe seems odd when the main question clearly isn't a dupe.)
Am I employing bad judgement by downvoting obvious true duplicates (as in, the question is literally the same as another question)? I thought this would encourage users to search first, but I also don't like discouraging questions from being asked, and if we're going to mark-as-duplicate questions that aren't really duplicates, but have a similar underlying explanation, then maybe I need to re-think whether duplicates are deserving of a downvote.