I will like to know if there is a way to see all protected questions related to one specific tag.
For example, I would like to see all protected questions which are tagged with javascript.
Is there a way I can see those questions?
I will like to know if there is a way to see all protected questions related to one specific tag.
For example, I would like to see all protected questions which are tagged with javascript.
Is there a way I can see those questions?
You can use the data explorer to query this. Note however, it's only refreshed every Sunday.
Here's an example query:
Note that it doesn't take into account questions which were protected and then unprotected; this will get you all questions tagged javascript which were at one point protected. Feel free to further refine it
Here is an updated version of the SEDE query, which lets you enter the tag name as a parameter, and only includes questions which are protected now last Sunday.
For reference, here is the complete query:
select posts.id as [Post Link], pq.creationdate as [Protection date]
from posthistory as pq
inner join posts on pq.postid = posts.id
inner join posttags on posttags.postid = posts.id
inner join tags on posttags.tagid = tags.id
left outer join posthistory as uq
on uq.postid = posts.id
and uq.posthistorytypeid = 20
and uq.creationdate > pq.creationdate
where pq.posthistorytypeid = 19
and uq.posthistorytypeid is null
and tags.tagname = ##TagName:string##
order by pq.creationdate desc
There's a dedicated link for 10K users (for each relevant site):