Related to this, can we get some data of how it fare in a real world scenario?
Data on:
- Amount of questions shown
- Amount of questions shown in the first 5~6 (whatever is immediately visible)
- Status of both above (has answers, score, closed, etc.)
- How many click through (maybe the status of the question they clicked too?)
- What the asker did afterwards:
- Whenever it clicked or not, did ask the question anyways?
- What happened to the questions asked by:
- If was show good (positive score, any other "good" metric) question
- If was show bad (negative score, closed, any other "bad" metric) question
- If clicked good (positive score, any other "good" metric) question
- If clicked bad (negative score, closed, any other "bad" metric) question
I hope this is part of what SE logs... I mean, they log pretty much anything.