This is the most problematic aspect of Stack Overflow at the moment for me:
Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
It's problematic for two reasons. The first reason is that yes, that general category of questions can often be very opinionated and have no best answers in some circumstances, such as when there are many libraries for a specific problem or when the problem simply isn't stated precisely.
The second reason is that in fact, good software engineering today is largely about choosing the correct tool or software library in a given situation. So by eliminating all such questions, you encourage poor software engineering choices, such as code-reuse by pasting from Stack Overflow rather than using third party libraries or tools.
In a way, the second issue almost points to a possible conflict of interest between Stack Overflow and good software engineering, since Stack Overflow is about pasting code snippets for code re-use rather than using modules and components.
I will give a more specific case. In Node.js, we have an example of a fairly advanced software module ecosystem that now has over 277,000 modules. With this reality, solving a particular problem in Node.js should be mainly about choosing the correct modules (i.e. software library) first and then in integrating them. Without being able to ask Stack Overflow "given this particular problem, which library/module/components should I use?" we have to consider creating a new site with an entirely different paradigm -- but not because there is anything wrong with the Stack Overflow community or software, simply because of these incorrect policies.
The correct policy is yes, to continue to discourage non-specific questions or voting contests between general categories of tools, but also to amend the policy to differentiate between those situations and specific questions asking for modules or components that apply to a specific set of code or situation.
" (and some will be "You don't need a library for that; just docode
"). You just can't ask "Is there a library for X?", because those questions tend to attract "I use L and I like it" rather than "here's how you use L to do X".Bringing the Stack Overflow mission and mindset up to date with contemporary programming practices
that's just meaningless hyperbole. Finding the right library/tool/platform/API was as relevant in 1999 as it is today. And it's not like the ban on recommendation questions is something ancient and outdated - Stack Overflow used to allow recommendation questions in the olden days (I asked a couple dozen myself), and has since become increasinly narrow in focus. It the result of an evolution, not dogma.