I asked Large doubly-linked-list (or other) storage on disk for queue system; options for how to store, which was put on hold as off-topic. I've since deleted the question: image of question.
The original version did clearly contain a line asking for existing software packages that could be used, but I edited to remove it and instead ask for "algorithms or approaches".
From Choosing between Stack Overflow and Software Engineering, the accepted answer says:
If it is related to coding or tools, it should be on Stack Overflow.
If it's directly related to the Systems Development Life Cycle (except for troubleshooting, writing or explaining specific code), it should be on Software Engineering.
My question is essentially "what is a good algorithm/data structure/approach to this specific problem". It is true there is no code in the question, which I've seen mentioned as another way to discern, but I do not see that stated in any actual doc pages (if that is a specific requirement, it would be an excellent addition to the tour page and I think help a lot).
The On Topic page lists 6 signs a question might be off-topic, but my question does not meet any of them:
- debugging help
- suffering from unreproducability,
- homework
- a recommendation for a specific software library or other resource. (It was at first, but I removed that part)
- about general computing hardware or software (I don't fully understand what this means - it's pretty... general; is this supposed to mean "if it doesn't have code in the question"?)
- about network stuff.
I realize I can just re-post on Software Engineering and I've done that, but I'm honestly trying to understand the rules here (and possibly suggest an improvement to the documentation). Even after 3.5k rep this is still a source of confusion for me.
My specific questions for Meta are: Which specific point does this question violate and is there a way to rework it so it is valid for SO?