Is there a Stack Exchange site where you can ask questions that are marked as off-topic on Stack Overflow because someone asked to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource?
18Try Software Recommendations– FallenAngelCommented Apr 1, 2014 at 14:55
2@FallenAngel But only Software, or Web Apps– Mr. AlienCommented Apr 1, 2014 at 15:04
18And make sure you read Software Recommendations' ground rules very carefully before you ask there:…– Brad LarsonCommented Apr 1, 2014 at 15:09
1related: Is there a less restrictive Stack Exchange site specially suited for not too specific questions?– gnatCommented Dec 16, 2014 at 14:40
2I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is not a Stack Overflow specific questions and should be asked on Meta Stack Exchange.– double-beepCommented May 16, 2019 at 18:48
3@double-beep It was migrated from And it is specific to Stack Overflow, since it asks about questions asked on SO that are marked as off-topic. Not about questions closed as off-topic on Worldbuilding or any of the other sites, where using Software Recommendations is not appropriate, and not a good answer to the question.– Heretic MonkeyCommented May 17, 2019 at 1:31
You could try asking on the chat:– NoDataDumpNoContributionCommented May 17, 2019 at 8:00
6Didn't StackOverflow used to allow questions looking for tools? I mean, not subjective questions asking "which is the best tool?" but quite objective questions like "does such a tool exist?" My problem with asking on Software Recommendations is that the StackOverflow community isn't there... it's here. So I don't trust that I will get as good of a response, if one at all. Granted, I haven't tried it yet so hopefully I'm quite mistaken... but that's just been my experience with other sorts of questions that get pushed to other sites.– BVernonCommented Nov 16, 2020 at 23:41
@BVernon you can always ask how to do something in your Language, if there is a tool, people on SO will probably tell you, if not you will get other useful answers, unless no one answers, that also may happen.– jcubicCommented Nov 17, 2020 at 12:21
1@jcubic So as an example, the other day I wanted a gui for npm/yarn. At the time I didn't know Software Recommendations existed, but to be honest I probably would have asked here first anyway because I KNOW the people that potentially have the answer to my question are here... and I want to know the answer w/in 24 hours if possible... not next week. I also couldn't care less about being down voted because chances are I get my answer and it just costs me some rep on the site (or, in other words, nothing). Not trying to be obnoxious, but it just is what it is.– BVernonCommented Nov 20, 2020 at 7:38
@BVernon Check this question Communication between tabs or windows the same would be how to send message between open tabs, it don't ask the question about tool but there are answers (like mine) that show the tool. You can ask questions like this and there will be no problems if library exists for that you will probably get answer with the link, if no you will get short answer with the code that show how to do that manually, without any tool, which if it's simple, should be fine.– jcubicCommented Nov 20, 2020 at 12:17
5 Answers
Most recommendation questions are poorly specified magnets for spam and bikeshedding, so we don't accept questions of this type on any Stack Exchange site. If you're just looking for basic advice, there are much better resources available like Google and Amazon Reviews.
Software Recommendations has very specific requirements for their questions. Questions that meet those requirements would have been on-topic on Stack Overflow a couple of years ago. Today they are categorically off-topic, even if they are well-written.
90Something tells me "Amazon Reviews" isn't going to find me a good cross platform unit testing framework. And Google leads me back to a closed SO question (LOL!). "Software Recommendations" looks too general. Why not try to improve SO's resistance to spam rather than have these draconian rules?– TaylorCommented Jan 19, 2015 at 18:31
13You can't filter out the bikeshedding. Moderating these kinds of posts consumes a disproportionate amount of time and takes the focus away from the primary goal of the site, which is to solve programming problems. Commented Jan 19, 2015 at 18:45
10Part of me thinks we should offer Software Recs as an alternative in the close reason, like we do with Super User -- but then we probably shouldn't refer people to Super User either. Commented Feb 27, 2015 at 14:44
43Right: what if you know you want a library (no sense in re-inventing the wheel) but you either find a plethora of them without knowing which will fit the bill, or you have no idea where to start looking? This is not only a programming question, it's an exceedingly important one to, as @robert puts it, solve a programming problem. Such questions swiftly get down-voted by the Downvote Brigade, even if the person posing the question (such as me) is not in fact "looking for opinion" but relevant experience. Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 10:45
4@retorquere: The need is definitely there, I agree. However, from my experience when evaluating database systems for the project at my current company, it's usually the case that the asker does not provide enough information, and the answerer only knows about one particular product, and in some cases, the answerer only hears about the product without actually trying out themselves. If the use case is too specific, the question is only useful to the OP. If the use case is too broad, it becomes a list of products regardless of relevancy.– nhahtdhCommented Oct 20, 2015 at 3:37
22It is absurd that there is no place, no tag, no anything where such questions can be asked.– JonahCommented Nov 20, 2015 at 6:57
6@Jonah: What do you mean? happily accepts such questions, and I daresay they get good results, because their platform adequately supports these types of questions. Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 7:00
4@RobertHarvey, Did you honestly not understand that I was referring to the SE network, which not only adequately supports these questions, but would be the best place on the internet to ask them, as the innumerable, highly upvoted but closed as off-topic tool questions attest.– JonahCommented Nov 20, 2015 at 7:12
6@Jonah: That's not a representative sampling. For every question like that which becomes productive, there are 10 other questions just like it that you never see (because we get rid of them) that are just magnets for crap. Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 7:24
5@RobertHarvey, Okay, I can buy that. I still believe there would be some system that would allow the signal and filter the noise. Just off the top of my head, only allow people with rep of 2000+ or something to ask those types of questions. The point is, there is a class of very valuable information which is opinion based. That is, I want to see what high rep people are saying is the best tool for doing X, and see which one gets upvoted the most, and then make my own decision, even if there are 2 or more competing answers.– JonahCommented Nov 20, 2015 at 15:02
3@Jonah: Unfortunately upvotes are not a good guide for these kinds of questions. The nature of these questions makes upvoting a proxy for how popular the question is from a "water cooler" perspective, not how reliable or accurate the answers are. See also The Bikeshed Effect. Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 15:31
3@RobertHarvey, water cooler popularity is often very valuable information. "Value" is not equivalent to "has an unambiguously correct answer" -- that conflation is the single biggest problem with meta and moderation on SO imo. Your claim that upvotes are not a good guide plainly contradicts my daily experience finding answers and advice on SO closed questions. The highest upvoted answer is certainly not always the best one, but the combination of upvotes, comments, and my own judgement makes extracting good information from "opinion based" questions trivial.– JonahCommented Nov 20, 2015 at 17:06
2@Jonah: You have to remember that one reason the experts are all here in the first place (and not on, say, Yahoo Answers) is that we've taken great pains to improve the signal to noise ratio, by doing things such as closing subjective questions, questions that are unclear, questions that are too broad, etc. Real questions have answers, not polls, opinion pieces or lengthy tutorials. Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 18:13
4I'm not sure what big list questions are, but I'd like to be able to ask stuff like (recent example of the top of my head): "I'm trying to write unit tests for queries written for a sqlserver db, and i'm on a mac. I'd like to test locally, without installing parallels. is there a good tool like sqlite but which accepts sqlserver flavor SQL? if not, any other ideas?" I'd also like to be able to ask what is the best framework or tool in language X for doing Y. Again, I don't care that there's not a "right" answer. I want to hear the opinions of other experienced devs.– JonahCommented Nov 22, 2015 at 1:19
As Robert Harvey points out, Software Recommendations is the right place to go when you have a specific requirement and need to ask if a library exists that fits those requirements.
These types of questions are indeed off-topic on Stack Overflow. They used to be permitted (and you may find some very old ones still hanging around), but the community learned pretty quickly that these types of questions have several problems
- The questions are usually horribly vague and unspecific
- They attract spam answers.
- And even when it isn't truly spam, they attract horrible link only answers that say nothing more than "try out my awesome library here".
- They attract duplicate answers. How many times do you need to see someone recommend the same exact library?
- They attract very opinionated answers and very opinionated voting, because "best" is always subjective.
- They age horribly. New libraries come, old ones go. They change names. URL's change. Links break. What was awesome 3 years ago is now nothing more than a phishing attack.
In short, straight recommendation questions are a moderation nightmare for the community. They require more maintenance than the value they provide, so the community decided that these questions should be off-topic.
All this being said, it is still possible to get a library recommendation on Stack Overflow. But by focusing on the library, you are approaching the situation completely backwards.
Stack Overflow is not about "finding things", it is about solving problems. So your question should focus on your problem. When you are looking for a library, more often than not, you have a specific problem you trying to solve. Ask about that problem (be sure to include all of the relevant details, especially an MCVE if you have existing code). You may get an answer that recommends a library that solves your problem, or you may find someone provides an answer with a creative way to solve the problem without the external library.
I disagree. Librarys and components are not "ready-to-use" and the site states as a requirement. Further, you get component answers all the time on SO. The only thing in question here is the format of the question.– b_levittCommented May 16, 2019 at 17:54
@b_levitt what specifically do you disagree with? Given you left the same comment under Robert's answer, I assume you disagree with SoftwareRec's as being a possible resource? Commented May 16, 2019 at 18:17
1@b_levitt from SoftwareRec's own meta:… Granted it is older from during their Private Beta. but it is still open without any edits or disagreeing post. So they want these questions. Commented May 16, 2019 at 18:22
There are several Stack Exchange sites with a reference-request tag for questions about off-site books or articles. As far as I know, Stack Overflow does not have an equivalent tag for this purpose.
4Note that the existence of a tag on a site does not mean that the question is on-topic on the site. Stack Overflow has a number of tags where the subject of the tag is off-topic (e.g., project-management, scrum,...). Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 23:26
- appears to allow book recommendation questions, unlike Stack Overflow. Commented Dec 1, 2018 at 23:44
The answer is stack overflow. We don't need a separate site and even the closed answers of this variety come up as top answers on search engines.
I've been following this a while and frankly I'm quite tired of resistance to this but continue trying because when I search a closed stack overflow is the answer that comes up.
All of the arguments against allowing such questions lack teeth.
Subject to spam - half of the questions on SO already have a chance of later getting a "now theres a library for this". Even in that case we have the voting mechanism to manage this.
bikeshedding - do we REALLY believe there won't be enough people on the Internet to answer the tough questions if we allow component answers? Are there people that will insist on writing "pure" code answers even when a library exists?
Time sensitivity - the results will be stale. Again, many/most questions already have that problem. And again voting mechanism should take care of it.
Because there are other sites for that - this is circular logic. There are other sites for that because of the very rules we are trying to change. And of course when is the last time "Software Recommendations" showed up in the search engine results? At the time of this there are 100 upvotes on this question - it is clear that people are not finding these alternate sites.
You could just edit the question - Ha just kidding, this isn't presented as an option, it's just closed. However, I mentioned it because I used to think at least it could be an olive branch. But I've changed my mind. First, because you have the very strict people come out and say that it changes the intent of the question. I completely disagree with that since nobody is going to complain if you give them a couple of lines of native code that DOESN'T need a component.
More importantly though, it reduces the effectiveness of stackoverflow...part of the power here is that people ask for the same thing in different ways. Changing the question might make it harder for people that are looking for the same thing asked in the same way they would ask.
Most of the above arguments against what you are asking for are hypothetical and seem to make logical sense. But there is no proof offered. On the other hand, these questions seemed to by highly trafficked and up voted which attests to their usefulness. Frankly, if this is so much against SO policy, the questions should just be deleted so they 404, but I guess we're not SO much against this where we'd risk a traffic drop.
The Jeff Problem
I've realized this really just comes down to a misapplication of the original Atwood article. People applying it are not recognizing how the nuances and abstract nature of programming make it a different case than cameras and graphics cards. I'm not saying Jeff was wrong. I'm saying the people that are taking an article written in the context of "" with all hardware examples, are doing a disservice to by insisting programming components are the same thing.
This is a misapplication for a number of reasons:
There's nothing abstract in the camera example
If somebody asked "I need to capture a highly accurate image of a scene in a very low amount of time, would anybody balk if somebody said you need a need a "Kodak"? And before you say yeah, but that's a brand name, what if it's 1889? There's a time lag between when something goes from abstract to common concept. Just because we can take for granted that everybody knows what generalized component concept of "camera", does not mean we have the same thing in programming yet.
He asks a specific question about cameras. But in the case of programming libraries, we're either asking a general question, or we are asking a specific question with context.
For example, when somebody asks "what component can i use to dynamically create a pdf", they are really saying "how do I write a excel from this data I have", the fact that they had the notion that the answer is likely an existing library and phrased it as "what component" does NOT make it a shopping question, but instead simply shows a very basic understanding of programming.
This misapplication is dated
In an age of EVERYTHING being modular in a nuget or npm, "component" as universal as an "if" statement, even what would once have been considered "native" libraries.
**Rewriting "component" questions does not change the answers"
In atwoods example of "which camera should I buy for low light photography", his rewrite of the question "which features should i look for for low light photography" will result in DIFFERENT answers.
However, in the case for programming components, if somebody says "how do I write data to a excel file", they are still likely to get the same references to components. So the guidance here should be to simply suggesting a rephrase of the question rather than closing it.
Asking what we should learn is EXTREMELY subjective, especially in programing
Jeff states: "Thus, when it comes to shopping questions, don’t ask us what you should buy — ask us what you need to learn to tell what you should buy"
I think this ok when a concept is well established. Cameras might be a good example. A question like vs jsp is well established as dynamic web technologies. But what exactly is the conversion for most component questions? In the case of writing an excel file, do I really need to learn the openXml standard? In the case of a reading a web response, do I really need to learn the whole tcp/ip protocol?
Dated answers are handled by the voting mechanism Atwood states that specific answers are only valid for a year. This decidedly NOT true for many component answers. Even if it was, the voting mechanism will take care of that for us, buy letting old answers sink over time.
Follow up questions don't really apply Jeff gives the following questions that would need to be asked in a true shopping question, but I can answer them all right now for all component questions. As further evidence, I challenge anybody to find any of these questions in the comments on ANY question in stack overflow: What is your budget? First off, have you really worked with so many of these components that you can give me multiple answers? In any case, I'll take the cheapest one.
Where do you live?
What are your preferences?
See tags.
Which alternatives will you consider?
Working code.
When do you want to buy?
Yesterday, I'm already behind deadline.
Other discussions along these lines (including my own):
How can I encourage Stack Overflow to rein in the 'subjective' vigilantes?
5Sorry, this misses the mark pretty much across the board. Stack Overflow is for programming questions. If you want hardware, software, tool, or library recommendations, there are sites for those.– TylerHCommented May 16, 2019 at 18:46
1Yet the debate rages on with closed and subjective questions on SO with no real supported reason of why they can't be there. When is the last time a Software Recommendations link came up the the search results. We are segmenting out these questions for no real reason. My assersion is that "how do I x" will yield almost the exact same answers as "what component should I use to do x and will you post an example".– b_levittCommented May 16, 2019 at 19:22
I think if the reason for not allowing this type of question is that it will attract spam answers, the rejection criterion in the site guidelines needs to be changed slightly, so that rather than;
Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam
it should actually read
Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow which are liable to attract opinionated answers and spam
I came to this topic after posting the linked question and while it falls of the current rule, I don't believe it is not the type of question that would attract spam. At a guess, many resources being sought here will often be pretty obscure and either non-existent or hard to find elsewhere. It is also worth remembering that each visit by experienced people to this site that yields negative results and feedback is prone to turn them away from the site. To borrow Robert's analogy above, I think the current rule kills more signal than noise.
4Spam is only one reason and not the most important one as far as I know. Its more the part that there will be no definitive answer, only a mountain of personal opinions as a response to it.– GimbyCommented Feb 26, 2016 at 12:45
2Spam seems to be the main reason given in response to this issue from what I can see. Very many questions have multiple good answers rather than a single definitive right answer. Personally, I visit SO much less frequently these days for the simple reason I find it a very negative environment. I don't think I'm alone in that respect.– SmacLCommented Feb 26, 2016 at 13:50
1Yes, multiple good factual answers, still not personal opinions.– GimbyCommented Feb 26, 2016 at 14:19
2@Gimby, so for a question such as 'where can I find a high performance open source C++ computational geometry library' there are clearly multiple correct answers which are not opinion based. Yet the question is not allowed on SO, even though it has many answers that would provide value to many programmers. Opinion only comes into play when the question uses an adjective such as good or best, i.e. which is the best library for x,y,z.– SmacLCommented Feb 26, 2016 at 15:17
What has value is also an opinion. Me personally I use search engines to search for something, I don't degrade stack overflow to a bookmarking service - bookmarks which are likely to rot away.– GimbyCommented Feb 29, 2016 at 8:07
1@Gimby, I'd have thought what has value in SO is defined by the voting system. as defined by the opinions of the audience to a question. Using a search engine for programming related information is very likely to return you to StackOverflow, see comments to this question for example;… It would appear bookmarking is encouraged within SE, otherwise why allow favouriting of questions?– SmacLCommented Feb 29, 2016 at 12:03
1@ShaneMacLaughlin: I came to the idea that the right place to put such reference content could often be tag wiki. I'm not exactly sure it would apply to the linked question, but to find ressources to learn a technology it's probably the right place.– krissCommented May 26, 2016 at 15:11
The obvious problems with allowing recommendation questions are spam (I'll advertise my product everywhere), long discussions (and arguments), links that expire, and products or projects that disappear. Who is responsible for maintaining every link, removing the obvious spam, moderating the arguments and discussions, and removing answers that are no longer valid? And what happens when Product A is highly upvoted as a recommendation today, but in six months Product Z comes out with vastly better performance and a greater feature list? Commented Jul 1, 2017 at 21:54
1@Ken, if this was true, why does it work on the software recommendations site linked in the first comment? Most technical information has a temporal aspect, in that it may be superseded and its value diminish over time. This is also the case for any SO answer.– SmacLCommented Jul 9, 2017 at 13:20
"tend to" and "liable to" are synonymous phrases. There's no effective difference here.– TylerHCommented May 16, 2019 at 18:47
@TylerH, similar but not the same. 'Tend to' means inclined to or likely to (do something), 'liable to' means being in a position to (do something) but not necessarily inclined to do it. From Merriam-Webster "Liable : being in a position to incur —used with to", "Tend: to exhibit an inclination or tendency". In my opinion, language needs to be precise here.– SmacLCommented May 17, 2019 at 6:17
@SmacL they both mean "likely to do something". There's no effective difference, like I said. If you want to be so careful with language, then we should be suggesting words that have more distance between their meaning.– TylerHCommented May 17, 2019 at 13:41