There isn't much you can really do in these cases, unless you're a subject-matter expert who can have a go at reading the asker's mind and heavily revise the question. If you can do that, great! But then you wouldn't be seeing this error message.
Otherwise, editing these sorts of questions is colloquially referred to as "turd-polishing", which is a rude way of saying that it's wasted effort. Lipstick on a pig. There's little point in taking the time to edit (especially if you do not have full editing privileges, since your edits will need to be reviewed by several other community members) if you can't actually fix the problems with the post by editing.
Instead, simply flag these questions as being in need of closure. Obviously, pick the reason that you find to be most appropriate. In the specific situation that you describe, the odds are good that the most appropriate closure reason will be: off topic → lacks a clear problem statement or minimal reproducible example.
This will get the question placed "on hold" so that the asker can come back and edit it into shape, which is what really needs to happen.