On this question, the original was one long run on without sentence punctuation.
It's not the best question to begin with because it's so vague, but I figured adding periods and sentence caps and making it possible to read what's intended would be helpful to the question.
Is that not enough to make it useful?
I'm trying hard not to assume anything about the user's intent so I don't want to make major changes or any changes that aren't obviously supported by their words. I can't comment yet to let the asker know to add more details, and I don't have an answer for it, so the edit was what I could contribute.
This question was also rejected but by community by contradicting a later edit. Is there a way to see what the contradiction was? And to have access to the edits to resubmit with a change to correct for the contradiction? It took a while to add these edits and they seem like they'd make it easier to read IHMO, so I'd like to re-submit without the contradiction.