Today I came across this question. After quick googling, I found out that it's exact duplicate of Pointer to local variable and Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?, which, by the way, are duplicates of each other, and neither is closed as duplicate.

What's the right thing to do when I encounter question which is duplicate of multiple questions again?

Note: this question is related to What do I do when a question is a duplicate of multiple questions?, but that question asks about what to do when there are more than one question per question, and each is already answered.

1 Answer 1


It's handled.

Just close in favor of the best Q&A-pair, and if any of the answers on a closed question would benefit the ones already at the master, also flag for moderators to merge them (mention which answer adds what important point, as a rationale, after concisely saying what you want to happen).

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