A low quality post is a low quality post. The standards of what constitutes a low quality post has changed over time - some posts from the old days which were perfectly acceptable then are not so much anymore.
Users from the old days, by nature of being an early adopter on the site, if still active, will naturally have a higher reputation.
This in no way exempts the user from having their material flagged or the need to maintain old material.
I'd have to go dig through chat transcripts but I do recall discussions about if one should flag one of Jeff or Joel's old post as 'not an answer'... and the flag was handled and the post was deleted.
It is important that everyone is subject to the same standards, lest people decry that some posts are getting ignored because of a double standard (which can cause additional resentment about being 'elitist' (we're not)). Also consider that these posts are often used by newer users as examples of "well, Jon was able to post this, why can't I post something like it now?"
Old posts by old users serve as examples of what we want the site to be today and tommorow.
Review it accordingly.