Currently that close reason reads:

Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem and include valid code to reproduce it. See SSCCE.org for guidance.

Andrew Thompson, the author of the SSCCE document linked in that text, pointed out in a blog comment that this text implies that a poster must provide an SSCCE, which mildly contradicts a portion of that document.

Let us assume you are indeed genuine in your learning, you have a huge, complex system with an occasional, unpredictable bug, and you have searched the FAQ & Group, studied the manual or documentation and not produced an answer.

Feel free to describe the problem to the group; perhaps it is a basic misunderstanding on your part that can easily be cleared up.

I am not proposing that every single problem needs a SSCCE in order to be solved. I am also not suggesting an example is, or should be, compulsory.

It will, however, make people much more likely to help, and will therefore increase the chance of finding a solution.

Should we modify that close reason to remove the contradiction with the linked document using Andrew's suggestion?

Questions concerning problems with code you’ve written must describe the specific problem and should ideally include valid code to reproduce it. See SSCCE.org for guidance on the latter.


1 Answer 1


The idea is that that close reason shouldn't be selected unless it's clear that a proper code sample is required, given the context of the question. If the particular question being asked can be made into a good question without needing to provide code then that is not the proper close reason to use.

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