To start off, I realize there are already multitudes of topics on the subject of vote fraud.. though maybe this is a slightly different case; I'm unsure. Anyway though..
During my reviews, I encountered a user who appeared to have committed vote fraud.. and gotten past the script. On March 3rd, they gained 245 rep from serial upvotes and an association bonus. On March 4th, they lost 125 points of reputation from that gain, via the script.. and on March 5th, gained that exact amount back through more serial upvotes. The script, from what I can tell, has not reversed this rep gain.
So, I flagged the user accordingly; the flag was deemed helpful, but nothing was seemingly done.
To the actual question, I'm wondering if its actually possible for the moderators to do something here in regards to the gained rep from the fraud; from what I've already read, they won't, but that doesn't exactly clarify if they can. Maybe I'm splitting hairs here, and I apologize in that regard.
Of course, I'm also curious if I should just reflag one of the user's posts and try again at explaining the situation in more detail, for the simple fact that I believe my lack of earlier detail didn't assist in the situation, and let the fraud seemingly go unnoticed.