From SO What is Reputation "Reputation is a rough measurement of how much the community trusts you".
According to this definition in my answer I am focusing on meaning of trust and not meaning of the word "reputation". I also try to explain how the current system is (re)creating the advantage, why it is not perfect for measuring trust level, why the time will make it worst, and also trying to explain why will it so hard change. (well, it will change, keep reading)
Yes, there is an advantage and it will be very hard to change. However your question is a step toward that.
Here is why:
- Who wants melted her/his fortune?
- Who wants to really be challenged by newcomers, when it is possible to not to?
I simply do not understand why would be more trustable who asked 8 years ago "How to find a substring in X language?" (now with 25k) then did nothing for 7.999 years compared to someone who actively answering 100s of specific questions in the last 1 year? Can anyone who state that this is a working system, and needs no change?
It is possible to earn 100s points daily by doing nothing, not even logging in. I have only less than 4k, but I am also earning 5-10 daily just for my old existing questions.
One of the comments mention a person who has earned 2000 within 28 days. Surely she/he must work hard. Well, as a reward actually the difference his points and a person who has say 100k are increased. The modest estimate for a 100k person earns 100 points per day by just doing nothing, so she/he earned 2800 (or more) same time, and her/his advantage increased by 800 points. compared to the month hard working member. That's a problem. (to be clear: I am not stating that the 100k person did nothing during that time.)
Easy to see that this effect described above is strengthening itself. That's also a problem. The advantages (the difference between points) will increase, the point numbers diverge. (instead of converge) With other words: The time will not solve it as some comments state. You will never catch up those who have such a big advantage.
Some idea to a potential change:
Reputation, trust, karma is melting thing. You must earn it day by day. One good answer what you gave your fellow developer 10 years ago is not multiplied by 10000 value for today. It's not like as an IBM share. Instead it is forgotten.
If you are not active now and not perform now as you did earlier the community's trust also should decrease in you.
Nope, you are fundamentally wrong there. The votes are a measure of trust in the answer as much as the author. An answer five years later is still as good for the question as it was when first tendered - it shouldn't lose trust because the author is less active. Anyway this is an old discussion which I have no intention of resurrecting and re-litigating all over again.