If treated in the general StackExchange context, this is a duplicate of prior discussions. However, I think the issue has special implications for StackOverflow, appropriate for discussion in the shiny new Meta StackOverflow. I am hoping the "status-declined" is a reflex reaction in the general StackExchange context, based on prior discussions, and can be reconsidered taking into account StackOverflow-specific issues.
Many comments in StackOverflow are quite technical. A comment-on-comment may change my opinion of the original comment by introducing points or references to materials I had not considered. I prefer to base my voting not just on my own prior knowledge, but also on what I learn from the combined wisdom of everyone who has already written on the question.
Often, at the end of reading the comments I identify two or more comments that are particularly useful, technically accurate, and well written. At that point I have finished with the set of comments except for possibly voting. I would really like to be able to just upvote those comments and then go on to the next thing. I know 5 seconds is not long, but in user interface terms it is long enough to be a noticeable distraction and annoyance.
Please reconsider the 5 second delay in the specific context of the comment sequences that arise in StackOverflow, and the strategies that some StackOverflow contributors, myself included, would like to apply to those comment sequences.
As a specific suggestion, change it to no more than 12 upvotes per minute. That would be just as effective for throttling unconsidered or automatic voting. A user following my strategy will have spent over a minute reading and thinking about a set of comments. They will have 12 immediately available votes at that point.