Could we potentially tokenize words in comments from newer users
TL;DR This could not only be done; this is already done, but only rolled out to comment flagging. And I agree with you, this should also be rolled out to comment writing!
When I flag a comment as "no longer needed", it disappears instantly when it contains certain gratitude keywords ("+1", "thanks", etc.) (or starts with them, or something; haven't figured out the exact pattern), whereas it goes to (mod?) review when it doesn't contain those keywords.
Exhibit A: Here's me flagging a comment starting with +1
. The comment then vanishes instantly.
So, evidently, the machinery is already there. And it's there because of an already existing perception (with which I agree) that these comments have no lasting value.
I agree with you that we should deal with the problem at the source i.e. at the time of writing the comment, rather than requiring later flagging to deal with it. Low- and no-value content shouldn't be left lying around pointlessly for any length of time, and those writing them shouldn't be left to move on without haveing received some sort of feedback about this.
and provide a pop-up instructing them on how to show their gratitude?
This would be a constructive way forward!