When I click on the comment button which exists below the answer, I see some text like
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid comments like "+1" or "thanks".
It would be better if it was like,
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid comments like "+1" or "thanks". If you want to say thanks to the answerer please do in the form of upvoting or accepting.
Because new users(op) still adding thank you comment. Most of them don't know what to do next. If the text inside the comment box is like above. Then they think about "what is accepting?". Maybe the link to https://stackoverflow.com/help/accepted-answer would be better.
And also this would avoid reply comment by answerer "Accept an answer which you likes the most" or "Accept if this works." for the op's comment "Thanks, this is what I'm looking for."
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid comments like "+1" or "thanks". If you want to say thanks to the answerer please do in the form of upvoting (min 15 rep required) or accepting (but one for a question).