To give the example which caused me to ask this, here's a comment Find if a string has all unique chars using recursion.
My thought process was that I wanted to give the guy some credit for actually going away and writing a test class and measuring the performance of his suggested solution.
So I up-voted the comment, then started to write my own comment "+1 for writing a test case..." to explain why, as it wasn't the comment per se I was up-voting, but the work required behind it. The comment system didn't let me add this, because it clearly breaks the:
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid comments like "+1" or "thanks".
So how/where do I explain why I up-voted something, if I don't feel the vote itself conveys sufficient information?
Comments seem to be the accepted place for this (see the number of "down voter care to explain...?" comments), but what I was going to write in the comment clearly goes directly against the guidelines.
error: lvalue required as increment operand